Hello,I created a adaptive form that submits data to a php script with a Submit to URL link.And in the post submit event of this button i click another invisible button liek this:xfa.resolveNode("Countries.#pageSet.Page2.Invisible.Subform2.Button1").execEvent("click"); that also holds a script to up...
Hello, Is it possible, in AEM Form Designer, to make the header (on the first page only) wider than the master page content?So like Header will be 100% page width (only on 1st page) and the rest of the form to have normal margins.
Sadly i cannot share the form but i think that this would go away if i could find a way to remove empty spaces from the begining and the end of the text when the text field box is exited.
The field is not fixed, it is configured as expand to fit and it does expand, but sometimes if you copy-paste text from word or leave an empty space at the end of the text that character is displayed.
I have a dynamic form created with AEM Designer Forms and when it is filled in some fields display the following character in the right bottom corner of the text field:
I noticed it usually appears if the text that is being filled in has an empty space at the end or if the text has been copi...
I have a dynamic form created with AEM Designer Forms and when it is filled in some fields display the following character in the right bottom corner of the text field:
I noticed it usually appears if the text that is being filled in has an empty space at the end or if the text has been copi...
I have a problem with Reader extending my forms.
Since yesterday when i try to reader extend any pdf forms on my pc i get the message 'This document could not be Reader enabled'. Does not matter what file i try to reader extend i get the same message.
Any idea why this is happening?
I am usi...
This may be off topic but we are trying to buy an AEM Forms Manager licence since september and this seems impossible...no one at the sales dept is answering.
We tryied to reach them by telephone, e-mail, collaborators (even had a ticket opened by them regarding this) etc. and nothing...0 ans...