I am trying to implement Nested drop down for one of the drop downs we have. The options are around 250 so it would be a bad user experience for the user to look through it. Look for the picture below for a referenceWhen the user hovers or clicks on "Accommodation and Food Services" I want the sub-c...
How do I format Phone number or date fields using rule editor?I am able to format it after focusout of the field, but I am looking into how to do that dynamically while the user types in.
When I try to render an adaptive form in internet explorer, the css is coming with webkit instead of ms because of which some stylings are looking different. like below - Button in chrome - Button in IE - Please help me out with how I would be able to ms in theme.css or the theme editor?
Hi all,I'm trying to make fields in my adaptive forms be side-by-side to take up less vertical room in a desktop environment. When I try to use Colspan it says it only works in Responsive layout, but I can't even get it to work there. When I try to change the CSS Class in the sidebar, the text box w...
Whenever i enable HTML 5 input type for numeric component, the numeric pinner like below is also popping up. Can I hide this using the theme editor? or is there any other way to hide this?
Hi,I am using aem adaptive forms so that end user can answer few questions and on submit, is shown relevant results on a different page.Below are the steps followed during implementation:Created an adaptive form under http://<<server name>>:<<port number>>/editor.html/content/forms/af/us/en-us/my-fo...
HiIn the documentation there is an example mentioned to prefill an AEM Form via a service.There is mentioned to open a java file for editing. But the Java file is not included in the boilerplate package zip. Or is the Java file from somewhere else?Adobe Experience Manager Help | Prefill adaptive for...
HiCurrently i'm working on a case to prefill a form. With XML it works fine but with JSON it doesn't seems to work.As reference I used this page.Adobe Experience Manager Help | Prefill adaptive form fieldsIt seems that something is missing for prefilling a form with json.Kind regards,Christofhe