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AEM Forms SAML authentication


Level 3

I am trying to setup SAML Authentication for SSO on AEM Forms 6.5. I am following this https://docs.adobe.com/content/help/en/experience-manager-65/forms/administrator-help/setup-manage-d... 

I am creating a new Enterprise Domain and I can save the SAML Authentication provider but when I try to save the new domain it returns "not found" and the server.log has "java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Value too long: " followed by an 8,937 base 64 string.  That string is not in the SAML Identity Provider Metadata file so I don't know where it is coming from or why it is breaking.

6 Replies


Level 3
I am working with Active Directory and don't believe SAML in OSGI will work for adminui login on the other side of AEM.


@GirishBedekar I think @GPhilips58 is talking about AEM Forms JEE and you provided a sample for AEM Forms OSGi.


@GPhillips58 this is too complicated an issue to be resolved on this forum. If you have followed the instructions in the manuals but receive unexpected results, you could contact Support, provide all the neccesary information and have them help you with it. Here we are limited to guesswork what may be missing or wrong and have only limited time for each issue.


Employee Advisor

@GPhillips58  There have been UM related fix lately on 6.5. Please try with 6.5.6 jee.


Level 3
Thanks! I'll wait for the next service pack though, because it is supposed to have a fix for "Version number may be negative or greater than 255 at com.adobe.agl.util.VersionInfo.getInstance(VersionInfo.java:191) " that occurred when we updated to Java 1.8.0_261.