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AEM Forms on-premise maven archetype dispatcher include issue


Level 4

hello experts,


Using following command I am trying to build the AEM Forms On-Prem project:


mvn -B archetype:generate -DarchetypeGroupId=com.adobe.aem -DarchetypeArtifactId=aem-project-archetype -DarchetypeVersion=35 -DaemVersion="6.5.12" -DappTitle="AEMFormsDev" -DappId="AEMFormsDev" -DgroupId="com.AEMFormsDev" -DincludeFormsenrollment="y" -DincludeFormscommunications="y" -DincludeDispatcherConfig="y"


Question is:

- if we include -DincludeDispatcherConfig="y" build fails for which there is workaround on Windows machine as per https://github.com/adobe/aem-project-archetype

- however question is - why does it also creates : dispatcher.cloud folder structure? ours is On-Prem AEM Forms 6.5 setup with inhouse Apache server so how can we exclude dispatcher.cloud setup.


Please share your feedback and let me know how to exclude dispatcher.cloud? from options. 





5 Replies


Employee Advisor

@hrai Try changing the DaemVersion="6.5.12"  to lower aem version and retry. Didnt created cloud folder for me


Level 4

thanks Mayank, could you please provide which version I should try?


Employee Advisor

@hrai I tried 6.5.2



Level 4

i tried this and still the same...it creates cloud dispatcher setup.


mvn -B archetype:generate -DarchetypeGroupId=com.adobe.aem -DarchetypeArtifactId=aem-project-archetype -DarchetypeVersion=35 -DaemVersion="6.5.2" -DappTitle="AEMFormsDev" -DappId="AEMFormsDev" -DgroupId="com.AEMFormsDev" -DincludeFormsenrollment="y" -DincludeFormscommunications="y" -DincludeDispatcherConfig="y"


Employee Advisor

Set -DincludeDispatcherConfig="n". This works for me in Mac. In case, somehow it does not work for you. Simply delete dispatcher folder in the project generated and remove sub-module inclusion in pom.xml.