Hello there,
i have this trouble with our AEMaaCS and all the InDesign links right after the migration. (Bulk import)
All the InDesign Links are broken. All of them.
They still go to whatever local hard drive they came from. To the local hard drive from were the InDesign file was edited last.
This could be anything - like for example a hard drive from the local media agency, from a photographer that created the pictures or somebody within the companies graphics department. Something alike happens to the links when the pictures are moved within AEM abd the old URL Path is no longer valid. The InDesign does not recognize the change and still has the old URL in the link pannel.
You see, all links are in the DAM, but the InDesign still thinks them in these local folders.
So because the linked picture files are all in the AEM, a reprocess of the InDesign file finds them within the AEM.
When i look up the InDesign files properties page, then the AEM lists all the links, with the correct AEM URL under "dependencies".
I looked up InDesign files in the CRXDE Lite and checked the jcr:content/related/links/sling:members nod and it lists the following properties.
One is "dam:originalPath" - which leads to the local hard drive. (useless)
The other and correct is "dam:resolvedPath" which is the URL path from the link within our AEM. (I need my Indesign file links change to this value)
In order to get AEM to work for my company i first need to "repair" all the documents.
We had a bunch of calls with Adobe so far and it seems that we need a InDesign Script to relink these files.
My worry now is, that scripts have this tendency to work seamless only for a time, till some new InDesign version is out and something something something changes.
My questions are now to you:
Is it maybe possible to use a Launcher or a Workflow within the AEM to modify all InDesign Files, so that it changes the link path to the value from "dam:resolvedPath"?
How does everybody else handle this problem?
This problem also occurs when something is moved in AEM. InDesign does not change the URL by itself. A script seems to be a clumsy workaround to a fix a problem that should not occur with the two tools from the same company.
We are currently run: Adobe InDesign 17.2.1 with Asset Link 3.1.65 and AEMaaCS AEM RELEASE: 2022.4.7138.20220427T075748Z
I would be the happiest person in a 500mile radius if i only could get this to work.
Thank you in advance and thank you for your attention.