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jcr:isCheckedOut Property set to true on using AssetManager createOrUpdateAsset method


Level 2

We are programmatically trying to create/update assets . Code looks like below:


Asset asset = assetManager.createOrUpdateAsset(path, assetBinary, documentMimeType, true);


Now the first time asset gets created. If the asset is updated using the same method it is adding jcr:isCheckedOut = true. As per https://docs.adobe.com/docs/en/spec/jcr/1.0/8.2.6_Check_Out.html documentation this property states that the node is checkedOut while its versions are created/updated. 


Can we get clarity if this property should change to checkedOut = false stating that the asset updates are completed or is it as designed product behavior to have this property as true.



Appreciate all the help in advance.

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