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how to validate in assets dam properties?


Level 3

I need to validate in asset dam properties.

I took reference from https://helpx.adobe.com/experience-manager/using/creating-touchui-validate.html 


Code Snippet - 

$(document).on("click", ".aem-assets-admin-properties-submit", function (e) {

      ddlOrderValue = $("#ddlChar option:selected").val();

    if(typeof ddlOrderValue == "string" && typeof primaryBVTag == "string" && typeof primarySLTag == "string"){
          var ddlOrderValueCheck  = ddlOrderValue.substring(ddlOrderValue.lastIndexOf("/")+1);
          var primaryBVTagCheck  = primaryBVTag.substring(primaryBVTag.lastIndexOf("/")+1);
          var primarySLTagCheck  = primarySLTag.substring(primarySLTag.lastIndexOf("/")+1);

        if( (($('#setcontentownerid').hasClass("hide")) == false ) && (ddlOrderValueCheck == '') || ( primaryBVTagCheck == '' &&  primarySLTagCheck == '') ||             ((ddlOrderValueCheck != primaryBVTagCheck) && (ddlOrderValueCheck != primarySLTagCheck)) ) {
                alert("Check your Inputs");
                title: Granite.I18n.get("Invalid Input"),
                message: "Please Enter valid Inputs",
                actions: [{
                    id: "CANCEL",
                    text: "CANCEL",
                    className: "coral-Button"
            callback: function (actionId) {
                if (actionId === "CANCEL") {


                createNewTags($(".data-fields.active form")).done(function(){
                var form = $('.data-fields.active form');
                alert("else aem-submit -createNewTags");
                handleResponse(form, submitForm(form));
                var modal = $('#aem-assets-metadataedit-error');
                var body = Granite.I18n.get('Unable to create new tags. Check for access privileges to create tags.');
                modal.find(".coral-Modal-body").html('<p>' + body + '</p>');
            alert("end of else");


// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------   
    function createNewTags (form) {
        return $.when.apply(null, form.find('[data-metatype="tags"].coral-PathBrowser+ul.coral-TagList input[type="hidden"][name]').map(function() {
            var el = this;

            if (el.value.indexOf(":") >= 0) return;

            var tenantId = $(".foundation-form.mode-edit").attr("tenant-id");
            el.value = tenantId ? ("mac:" + tenantId + "/default/" + el.previousElementSibling.textContent ) : el.previousElementSibling.textContent;
            return createSingleTag(el.value).then(function(tag) {
                // Fix tag name in select element
                var tenantId = $(".foundation-form.mode-edit").attr("tenant-id");
                if (!tenantId) {
                    // Fix tag name in select element
                    el.value = tag;

I am getting error because of ns.ui.helper.prompt({     });  , error in browser console is -

Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'ui' of undefined
    at HTMLButtonElement.<anonymous> (clientlib-assetspropertiesdialog.js:287)
    at HTMLDocument.dispatch (jquery.js:4665)
    at HTMLDocument.elemData.handle (jquery.js:4333)

4 Replies




Moving this post to AEM "Assets" topic so that contextual experts can help you.


Kautuk Sahni


Level 10

The article you mentioned is about how to validate fields in a component dialog.  Has nothing to do with Assets.


Level 2

Can you make sure "ns" is defined? Or can you share the complete code?


Level 10

please mention aem version