I have an indd file which lives in our AEM. It has assets linked from totally separate folders within the AEM. Before we got AEM we would package up the file and send a zipped folder to a vendor. Obviously that creates a duplicate file and assets which is not ideal. What's the best way to handle thi...
Hi,I am trying to implement smart crops for custom built component.After adding Image profiles to an Image say Small , Medium and Large as shown in the below documentation.https://helpx.adobe.com/experience-manager/6-4/assets/using/image-profiles.htmlI am able to access the Images using scene7 serve...
Hi All,I am working on solution for enterprise DAM wherein I need to provide read only access to all DAM Assets on publish.Why can't I directly expose expose DAM/Assets console on Publish server to the end user by enabling it through dispatcher?Why do I need to user solutions like "Asset Share Commo...
We are hoping to address CVE -CVE-2019-11358 in the jQuery library provided with AEM.In versions prior to 6.4, we would overlay /libs/clientlibs/granite/jquery and apply security patches based on recommendations from the jQuery team.However, starting with 6.4, the /libs/clientlibs/granite nt:folder ...
I have a requirement to show the size of an asset in the asset finder panel in AEM itself. I am able to see this metadata in the asset search panel - card view contentI want this data to be displayed in
Hi,I would like to upload 500GB of assets from my local filesystem to AEM server running in AMS. I have been asked to use CSV Asset Importer for bulk updates.But while I click on import assets, it says "Could not find any asset entries that can be processed Scroll down to see details.". I think it i...
I have gone through the process for creating a custom Metadata Schema that is outlined below: Use the metadata schema form I am able to successfully apply & save custom metadata values within my Author - Assets area. I have also implemented the Custom Search Facet functionality that is outlined in ...
How can we trigger a workflow, based on certain property value. For eg If we click on the asset properties and change a field value and click on save then a particular workflow should be triggered in reference to that metadata property value. Thanks in advance
I'm getting ready to enable Brand Portal for our AEM 6.4.2 instance and want to confirm that the approach outlined in the article linked below is still the recommended process for integration. Configure AEM Assets integration with Brand Portal If there is a more current process using the non-legac...
Hi Experts,I understand there's an OOTB workflow step in AEM Assets where a workflow can be configured to add a watermark to the asset in subject. However, I'm trying to investigate if there's a way to customize and remove the same watermark at a later step. Use case could be - A watermark is added ...