we are using central dam which is connected to the sites dam, our central dam is configured with dynamic media.
we have the latest content in prod which we want to sync to stage, the architecture is the same.
How do we plan a full content sync to stage. so that the dynamic media references are not pointing to prod and connected assets dont break
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Hi @pradeep8910
To plan a full content sync from production to stage while ensuring that dynamic media references are not pointing to production and connected assets don't break.
Backup: Before starting the sync process, it is always recommended to take a backup of your stage environment to ensure you have a restore point in case anything goes wrong during the sync.
Content Sync: Use the appropriate content sync mechanism provided by Adobe AEM to sync the content from the production environment to the stage environment. This could be using replication agents, package deployment, or any other method that suits your setup.
Dynamic Media Configuration: After the content sync, you need to update the dynamic media configuration in the stage environment to ensure that the references are not pointing to the production environment. This involves updating the dynamic media URLs and paths in the stage environment to reflect the stage environment's dynamic media server.
Asset References: Check for any asset references in your content that may be pointing to assets in the production environment. Update these references to point to the corresponding assets in the stage environment. This could include updating image paths, video URLs, or any other references to dynamic media assets.
Testing: Perform thorough testing in the stage environment to ensure that all the content and dynamic media references are working as expected. Test various scenarios and use cases to validate that the connected assets are not broken and the dynamic media functionality is functioning correctly.
is there a way to correct the dynamic url references based on the environment like running a workflow or something?
@pradeep8910 Once you see assets available in Stage DAM, you can run the following workflow to sync DM Stage URLs : Dynamic Media Reprocess Assets. More info here: https://experienceleaguecommunities.adobe.com/t5/adobe-experience-manager-assets/dynamic-media-repro...
@diksha_mishra will the connected assets get automatically synced to sites as we reprocess the assets?
you must have the connected assets configured on stage instance too: https://experienceleague.adobe.com/en/docs/experience-manager-cloud-service/content/assets/admin/use...
I would suggest to try this complete integration and flow on a smaller batch of assets first.
Followed steps for content sync with dyncamic media and connected assets
1) Reprocess assets for bulk workflow in central dam, This will update the dam scene7 properties, Use Bulk asset workflow and change the scene7 config to sync immediately on reprocess
2) Export metadata ("dam:scene7CompanyID","dam:scene7File","dam:scene7Folder", "dam:scene7ID") from aem assets
3) Import metadata using correct path reference under connected assets in sites dam and publish assets
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@pradeep8910 Did you find the suggestions from users helpful? Please let us know if more information is required. Otherwise, please mark the answer as correct for posterity. If you have found out solution yourself, please share it with the community.
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