I was looking at options to read data from contentfragment and populate the teaser component using data-sly-resource by using ResoruceWrapper with dynamic properties being "title","description", "imagePath" is this possible in AEM ? Please let me know if you have any references on this. @arunpatida...
The request was to pass emailid as login_hint with as a queryparam in SAML AuthnRequest . This is solve some consumer identification issue for certain b2c consumers in azure AD, this was proposed by our azure team
hi @arunpatidar ,We are not able to extend OOTB SamlAuthenticationhandler because1) exported packages of OOTB bundle is empty. Even though we use it in our code base this might not be resolved in AEM instance2) not able to find the same version in maven repo
We are trying to extend OOTB AEM com.adobe.granite.auth.saml.SamlAuthenticationHandler, but since this bundle does not have any exported packages in AEM . We are not able to extend the functionality. public class CustomSamlAuthHandler extends SamlAuthenticationHandler { protected AuthnRequest...
hi @TarunKumar how do i extend the OOTB sitemap functionality to read the references from the upload asset, so that my OOTB functionality still works butthe dynamic urls are added to the sitemap
we have product pages rendering dynamically from external , without the physical page actually present in aem ex:/content/wknd/us/en/products is the existing page but our product pages will be generated with suffix without actually having the pages in aem. is there a way to extend the ootb sitemap ...
{"scripts": ["create path /home/groups/test(rep:AuthorizableFolder)","create group test_users with forced path /home/groups/test","set properties on authorizable (test_users)/profile\n set givenName to \"Test AUthors\"\nend","add test_users to group contributor","create group TEST_USERS_1 with force...
we are using repoinit to initialize creating groups and maintaining permissions. This is working fine on initial creation. but on any change in the repoinit file I'm not seeing the permissions getting updated unless i remove the parent folder path.where all the users and groups are created Just wa...