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AEM DAM Asset Language Copies- Binaryless updates


Community Advisor

We have a large taxonomy containing around 13 languages. In order to save space, we have created asset language copies from en-us folder in all the other languages. 

They have the same dam:sha1 property (DAM metadata writeback workflow disabled to achieve binaryless copies of multi-lingual assets). 

Results of our POC below:


DAM Operation


Binary (en-us)

References (es-mx)





Create Reference


b20c343059a37015e5cc814f302de50f852fb9d1 (same)



Upload same asset> Replace


17eb3f17992b2297428b96832437b59ced973f92 (new unique ID auto created)

b20c343059a37015e5cc814f302de50f852fb9d1 (old) And Asset Reference Not Updated

Upload same asset> Create Version


83a87439514b7075720d7cf8bbbe966ab9550bd5 (new)

b20c343059a37015e5cc814f302de50f852fb9d1 (old)

And Asset Reference Not Updated


Question: How to sync source binary (en-us) with all it's language copies when an asset is replaced/version created? 


1 Accepted Solution


Correct answer by
Community Advisor

After a rigorous experimenting on this topic for 3 months or so, I was able to find the solution.

Posting it for the community users.

- disabled xmp write back workflow launcher
- enabled out-of-the-box "Set last modified date" workflow launcher
- created a translation integration config. Go to Tools - Cloud Service - Translation Cloud Services
- In this config, make sure you uncheck the box for translating assets, and only enable it for tags and metadata (if desired). Also, set it to "Auto Execute Translation"
- apply that config to the folder containing your language folders.
- When doing translation for the first time, need to create translation project, and project can be re-used for all future translations. multi-lingual projects can also be used if needed.

View solution in original post

1 Reply


Correct answer by
Community Advisor

After a rigorous experimenting on this topic for 3 months or so, I was able to find the solution.

Posting it for the community users.

- disabled xmp write back workflow launcher
- enabled out-of-the-box "Set last modified date" workflow launcher
- created a translation integration config. Go to Tools - Cloud Service - Translation Cloud Services
- In this config, make sure you uncheck the box for translating assets, and only enable it for tags and metadata (if desired). Also, set it to "Auto Execute Translation"
- apply that config to the folder containing your language folders.
- When doing translation for the first time, need to create translation project, and project can be re-used for all future translations. multi-lingual projects can also be used if needed.