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Aem assets content hub vs brand portal


Level 1

Hi experts,


May I the difference between assets content hub and brand portal ? And it's advantages and disadvantages comparing each other

7 Replies



Both are distribution portal offerings from Adobe. 


Content hub - Only available for Cloud service , uses latest tech stack , much more modern UI , latest offering , has dynamic facets and filters , navigation links can be configured , No publishing needed , no hassle of replication which can cause performance bottlenecks with large replication sets - just based on dam:status ="approved" the asset is available via delivery tier AND URL is based on asset id. There is no separate binary copy for CH . This uses algolia search for search.


Brand portal - very old offering, available for both cloud , AMS/On-prem AEM  , comes with Old touch UI , uses replication to push assets to brand portal and can have performance issues. There is a possibility that this offering may get deprecated. URL of asset is path based . There is a binary copy also on Brand portal.Uses AEM lucene search. 



Level 1

@digarg Does Content hub provides Asset sourcing flow to allow business partners to source assets into DAM, similar to Brand Portal asset sourcing?


Level 7

@digarg both serves different use cases 

- Content Hub : is centralized content access flow where hub is connected to to external content repository like, S3, Google etc , end customers are internal enterprise users and hub support enterprise content management needs.


- Brand portal " is more of self-service controlled flow for approved asset   and end customer is external users - i don't think it will be deprecated as it server other use cases 




@Rite18  : No I disagree , what you are referring to is 'Assets view ' also new assets UI .Content hub is for end user distribution portal as described above.


Assets view : https://experienceleague.adobe.com/en/docs/experience-manager-cloud-service/content/assets/assets-vi...


Content hub -  Content Hub is available as part of Experience Manager Assets as a Cloud Service for democratizing access to on-brand content for organizations and their business partners. It focuses on distributing assets for activation at scale and creation of on-brand content variants for improved marketing agility.Link : https://experienceleague.adobe.com/en/docs/experience-manager-cloud-service/content/assets/content-h...


Level 7

@digarg  clarification,  i did not mention anything about asset view in my comments so in think I'm afraid I have to disagree with your comment -



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