Hi, Can we create custom webhook listener using runtime? If its can anyone direct to documentation or setup guidelines? Is there any limitations? Also, events will be triggered from non-adobe applications. ThanksNaveen
I am using Journaling API ,to captured AEP data ingestion events. In the documentation https://www.adobe.io/apis/experienceplatform/events/docs.html#!adobedocs/adobeio-events/master/api/journaling_api.md, it says we shall get time-stamp as response . However in reality, am not getting any time-sta...
I am using Journaling API ,to captured AEP data ingestion events. In the documentation https://www.adobe.io/apis/experienceplatform/events/docs.html#!adobedocs/adobeio-events/master/api/journaling_api.md, it says we shall get time-stamp as response . However in reality, am not getting any time-sta...
Hey Guys! @dr_venture @duypnguyen I have been trying to wrap my head around extension and looking forward to the recording of the Aug 12 event, Meanwhile i have issues when i bootstrap an app with or without extension added. I get an error failed request to 'https://115564-digitalbau-stage.adobeior...
I am creating local project , by following instructions in https://adobeio-codelabs-custom-events-adobedocs.project-helix.page/?src=/lessons/lesson4.html However when i execute>aio app build , am getting following error "moduleIdentifier": "C:\\diMonitoring5\\diMonitoring5\\src\\dx-excshell-1\\actio...
I have successfully integrated Cloud Manager Pipeline events with Slack. I get Slack notices when a Pipeline is started or ended. Now I'd like to have useful information about the deployment returned. Example: I'd like the latest Commit message(s) to be sent when the Pipeline starts. That way I...
I am encountering this error "No valid bindings were found for organization and technical account combination" whenever I run the code locally on my machine but the one on the server is working just fine. I have checked the client id, client secret id, technical accnt id, org id, api call, jwt host ...
Hello. We are trying to set up AEMaaCS with Adobe IO runtime actions through IO events.after setting up Adobe I/O Events IMS Configuration on local AEMaaCS, we get healthy configuration as mentioned here - AEM (6.4.x and above) Adobe IMS configuration , but when we navigate to our IO workspace and c...
Hello. Note - Moving this question to I/O events section. We are trying to set up AEMaaCS with Adobe IO runtime actions through IO events.after setting up Adobe I/O Events IMS Configuration on local AEMaaCS, we get healthy configuration as mentioned here - AEM (6.4.x and above) Adobe IMS configurat...