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AEM 6.5 : Adobe IMS Configuration for Adobe I/O Events throwing error during check status


Level 2

Team - I have configured Adobe I/O Events in AEM 6.5 on prem and i am getting a 403 error during check health status


07.06.2021 14:37:12.780 *ERROR* [sling-default-5-health-com.day.cq.dam.eventprovider.healthcheck.CsmHealthCheck] com.day.cq.dam.eventprovider.healthcheck.CsmHealthCheck Adobe I/O CSM health Check failed, due to The http request to the IO Events endpoint (https://api.adobe.io/events/xxx/yyy/zzz/providers) failed, with a 403 error code and message : {"error_code":"403003","message":"Api Key is invalid"}


I have checked api key, client secret, jwt token multiple times and they are all correct. Can someone help who faced this issue or knows a resolution help?





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