I am trying to convert PDF to HTML. The idea is to use PDF extract API to extract layout plus styling information - which generates a Json output. I am trying to write a simple python program to parse through the Json and generate corresponding HTML element. For eg. <Figure> json element can be conv...
Something very strange is happening. Let's assume I wrote a for loop in a script that runs curl commands. for i in {1..5}docurl -X GET https://usermanagement.adobe.io/v2/usermanagement/users/...@AdobeOrg/0 \ --header "Authorization: Bearer ey..." \ --header 'X-Api-Key: ...'done This code works...
I didn't understand why the API requires "orgId".GET /v2/usermanagement/users/{orgId}/{page} Typically, the user management API require to be integrated by a system administrator.So far, the orgId would be the same if you've created 2 integrations of user management API.Given this, how come it need ...
After migrating to OAuth, we get following error message: "Test connection failed. Details: The client must have the exchange_jwt scope." Any suggestions?
I am new to Adobe and I have found a email of mine added to Adobe account I didn't give Authorization To use my email address I found that someone had license for windows 10 and when I tried to get a couple names the information was gone I been trying to figure out how people are deleting program fr...
Looking for publicly exposed APIs for tools mentioned in the site https://firefly.adobe.com/ mainly Text to Image, Generative Fill. Would like to integrate these tools in my app if available.
Hi All,I am not able to create a free sandbox for training purposes in AEM. The steps provided on the internet are not working properly. Please provide a solution link, if available.Thanks,Vivek
Hello there,Just wanted to understand if it's possible to completely suppress or hide error logs/details at the production level.Scenario:We have integrated Adobe Launch SDK (version : 1.+ ) in our android application, and during execution of the production version, some error exception log/details ...
I am using AEM designer to develop a dynamic PDF form which has a Text box with multiple parts need to pull data from system and user asks all parts be editable and expandable. eg.The [ClaimantName] has overpayment [OverpaymentAmt], because of [OverpaymentReason], as of [Date].1. if use floating fie...