But as I said, they already know about the orgId, right?Because when you create the integration API, you already knew the id, so why do we need to put it specifically? Can system administrator join another org?
Something very strange is happening. Let's assume I wrote a for loop in a script that runs curl commands. for i in {1..5}docurl -X GET https://usermanagement.adobe.io/v2/usermanagement/users/...@AdobeOrg/0 \ --header "Authorization: Bearer ey..." \ --header 'X-Api-Key: ...'done This code works...
I didn't understand why the API requires "orgId".GET /v2/usermanagement/users/{orgId}/{page} Typically, the user management API require to be integrated by a system administrator.So far, the orgId would be the same if you've created 2 integrations of user management API.Given this, how come it need ...