Hi everyone! Discover a goldmine of Campaign insights and resources at Adobe Summit 2025 with our comprehensive guide to all Adobe Campaign sessions and labs. Whether you're a seasoned user or exploring Adobe Campaign, this post is your key to navigating Summit's content. Session/LabsSpeakersDate...
Hi community, The rise of Generative AI presents incredible opportunities, but it also comes with responsibilities. Check out this comprehensive post that outlines essential guidelines for leveraging Generative AI in a responsible and ethical manner across our Adobe Experience Cloud solution comm...
We have realised that opt-out indicator attribute in delivery doesn't consider unique clicks (like unique recipient click attribute). Is this the default behaviour? are there any attributes which we can use to get the unique opt-outs for a particular email delivery?
Currently still running v7, but soon migrating to v8. I've created an API connection in the Developer Console and I'm able to retrieve a fresh access token from the IMS server.I'm trying to call the /nl/jsp/soaprouter.jsp by passing the Bearer token in the 'Authorization' header, but I keep getting ...
Hi all, I'm hoping someone might be able to aid us with a long-standing problem we've been trying to solve. We never managed it in Campaign Standard, but we're hoping it may be possible in v8. We have multiple subscription services, many of which are probably old and redundant now. I'd like to perfo...
Hello, Is it possible to export/import from one ACC instance to another the structure of folders in the explorer. E.g., we have a Campaign Management Folder with 10 subfolders, and each subfolder has an additional 3 subfolders beneath it. Can we export all 40 of these folders as a package and import...
Hello! I have a challenge to overcome and I hope some of you can help me out here.I have a special need and I need to check 4 different email attributes in the target mapping before sending out emails to some particular customers.We have 4 attributes in the recipient table and the hierarchy is as fo...
I have noticed that in the production, empty workflows are generating twice or trice in a month without any information. Can anyone help to know why this empty workflows are generating and which workflow generating the empty workflow.
Hi,We are sending deliveries that extract a file that contains the target of the delivery and some fields that can be used to personalise the content of those deliveries externally. In the delivery Properties, we have set the option "A result file determines sent and failed messages". Once the deliv...
Hi All, We have targeted specific recipient by Email/SMS in 1st send , now we want to set follow up Direct mail workflow to Recipient who have not clicked/opened on link present in Email/SMS delivery , how can we setup this , Thanks in advance.
Hi,I need to send an email to customers who celebrate their birthday this week.I see I can create an expression based on the Month of the date of birth, and based on the day of date of birth.Is there an option to only get those who celebrate their birthday this week? I could find a date expression I...
hi all, @AkshayAnand , @_Manoj_Kumar_,I have one requirement whereI have display target like this from recipient tablebelow is the query condition I have to use....Total RecipientBrand = MCD - Classification of RecipientCount (primary key) group by Classification/!\ Filter :Classification recipient ...