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SPAM Assassin not working


Level 5

Hi Team,

We have an issue with SPAM ASSASSIN. We are not able to retrieve the SPAM score for any of the deliveries from a very long time.

In Delivery preview>More we should be able to check the SCORE in Anti SPAM checking tab of Preview results tab.

and when checked if the services are running or not from the document provided :-

https://docs.campaign.adobe.com/doc/AC6.1/en/INS_Additional_configurations__Configuring_SpamAssassin... (Integrating SpamAssassin into Adobe Campaign part)

And we have the SPAMASSASIN integrated and configured in both Dev and PROD environment.

The Build and console version we are using as follows :- Application Server 6.0.2 build 6911, Console :- 6.1.1 build 8705.

Any updates would be of greater help.



1 Reply


Level 3
@adithyacs86 is this resolved now? we have tried configuring the spam filter under lower environment servers. We have followed the steps under RHEL https://experienceleague.adobe.com/docs/campaign-classic/using/installing-campaign-classic/additiona... even after implementing the steps under dev and uat servers. Change has not reflected under the console end. Are we missing anything ??