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React Native SDK - Framework not found ACPCampaign


Level 1

I'm trying to install the React Native AEP Campaign Standard Extension (https://github.com/adobe/react-native-acpcampaign).


After I run 'pod install' I'm getting an iOS build error on Xcode:



Steps to reproduce:

npm install @adobe/react-native-acpcore
cd ios/ && pod install

npm install @adobe/react-native-acpcampaign
cd ios/ && pod install

Library versions:

react-native: "0.62.2"
@adobe/react-native-acpcore: "1.4.0"
XCode: 12.1

Additional information:

While 'pod install' was running a new warning message showed up, apparently referencing ACPCampaign:


"[Xcodeproj] Generated duplicate UUIDs"
1 Accepted Solution


Correct answer by
Level 1

I upgraded Xcode as @nporter suggested but the issue remained.


Fortunately we found the issue in CocoaPods repository and the solution fixed for us too:



Including the following line in our Podfile solved the warning and the error no longer occurs:

install! 'cocoapods', :deterministic_uuids => false

 Anyway, thanks for your time @nporter. I aprecciate your help.




View solution in original post

4 Replies


Level 2

Hi lucasmleal, I attempted to reproduce this issue but wasn't able to. I installed core and campaign into a fresh react native app and everything built without error. Here are the steps I took:


react-native init campaignTest && cd campaignTest

npm install @adobe/react-native-acpcore

npm install @adobe/react-native-acpcampaign

cd ios/ && pod install

* open Xcode and build project *


For background, I am running Xcode 12.4 and React Native 0.64.1. I have pushed up this sample project here: https://github.com/nporter-adbe/campaignTest

If I had to guess I would suggest upgrading your Xcode version if possible. It may have some compatibility issues with the XCFramework bundled in our packages. Let me know if this resolves your issue.


Level 1
Hi nporter, thanks for answering me.


Level 1
Hi nporter, thanks for answering me. I'll try your suggestion and then I let you know.


Correct answer by
Level 1

I upgraded Xcode as @nporter suggested but the issue remained.


Fortunately we found the issue in CocoaPods repository and the solution fixed for us too:



Including the following line in our Podfile solved the warning and the error no longer occurs:

install! 'cocoapods', :deterministic_uuids => false

 Anyway, thanks for your time @nporter. I aprecciate your help.


