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How to send welcome email in real-time


Level 3


We have adobe campaign (hosted account). I created a subscription in our adobe campaign account for our web site opt-ins. We get opt-ins to that subscription in real-time via API call.

However, we used a query to send the Welcome email a day later. That query uses a criteria to select anyone who has opted-in to that subscription in the last 24 hours, and those recipients gets the Welcome email.

Is there a way i can create a query (or any other method) to send Welcome email in real-time? So as soon as someone opted-in to that subscription, we can send them Welcome email right away?

Let me know.



4 Replies


Level 10

Please head to the documentation section (Creating the message template ) you can do this with message centre, albeit, you must have a valid license to use it.


This thread Modify a WSDL generated by URL with specific one (no 'Element') guides you how to create and map a transactional message to a SOAP call through the Adobe Campaign API.



Hi Ali,

If you have a message center license you can leverage the functionality by modifying your webapp to fire SOAP calls with context data.

That's the most real-time delivery you can get.

However, there is an easier way which can offer good results.

Inside the service itself, you have a section where you can configure an email template to send confirmation messages when a profile is subscribed or unsubscribed.

Managing subscriptions

This doesn't limit you from making this template a welcome template.

Hope this helps.



Level 3

Hi Vipul,

Thanks for the response. Currently we don't have message center implemented. I was thinking to use an alternative way to send welcome email in real-time without leveraging message center. Looks like using confirmation messages as welcome email in managing service/subscription would definately works. Thanks for this information.

Here are few related questions:

1: We can able to control to send confirmation message only to new opt-ins? For instance, if an email already existed in that service, that email will not receive the welcome email?

2: If a new email was opted-in more than once in a service or somehow system send a new opt-in multiple times in a service, only one confirmation message will be genearted?

Let me know.





Hi Ali,

I've never used this functionality myself and the use cases you are highlighting here will have to be tested for answers.
