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How can I change the date format in an email delivery (field from additional data)


Level 2



I would like to change the date format in my email delivery. How can I do that?

It is a personalisation field from Additional Data. Now it is displayed as DD/MM/YYYY. I would like to change this to DD-MM-YYYY or dd-MMMM-YYYY (so in Dutch: 2 mei 2018). And are other languages also supported?  


email delivery date.png


Same question for using an amount: I would like to display it in Dutch (decimal separator comma, thousands separator is a dot or none. 

How can I apply that on a personalisation field?


Kind regards,


1 Accepted Solution


Correct answer by
Community Advisor

Hi Bjorn,


For the date you can use formatDate function in your html. Not sure if there is an equivalent in Dutch but I knew it's working for English and French.

For the number, ACS is not that custom so the approach is to convert the fields as string befor your delivery.




David Kangni

View solution in original post

6 Replies


Correct answer by
Community Advisor

Hi Bjorn,


For the date you can use formatDate function in your html. Not sure if there is an equivalent in Dutch but I knew it's working for English and French.

For the number, ACS is not that custom so the approach is to convert the fields as string befor your delivery.




David Kangni


Level 3
Hey David, do you have on docs on how it works french?


Community Advisor

See there. https://docs.adobe.com/content/help/en/campaign-classic/technicalresources/api/f-formatDate.html

Also keep in mind that it will display the language in which your ACS instance was installed. Basically if your ACS install language is in English the format date will return in English



David Kangni


Level 2


Does anybody have an example how to change the date format in HTML?

Kind regards,



Community Advisor
you can use <%= formatDate(new Date(), "%4Y%2M%2D%2H%2N%2S") %>. replace newDate() by your date field

David Kangni


Level 2

Hi @DavidKangni, thank you for your answer and example code.

Where in the HTML do I have to add your code? 

<span class="acr-field nl-dce-field" data-nl-expr="/context/targetData/datum" data-nl-type="date" contenteditable="false">datum (datum)</span>

Thank you in advance!