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Campaign Standard Users


Level 6

Calling all Adobe Campaign Standard users.

I am interested in creating a 'support group' for other Campaign Standard users where we can easily ask each other questions and fire ideas at each other. While these forums are useful, it's not easy to determine what is Standard related, and what is Classic related, and sometimes it can take a while for a question to be answered.

I am happy to set up a Google Hangouts chat group (or another equivalent) if there is interest.

Let me know if anyone else would be interested in being involved.

Many thanks,


14 Replies


Level 6

Unfortunately it seems there is little interest in this idea.

Final bump to see if anyone else feels they would benefit from this?



Hi https://forums.adobe.com/people/Digital%20B2B,

We welcome your feedback. I'm tagging Gaurang Mathur​ who is the community admin to check on the feasibility of this request and comment accordingly.



Level 6

Hi Vipul,

This is't a request per se. It's just me putting out the feelers to see if there are any other Campaign Standard users in the same position as me who feel like they would benefit from a peer support group.




Level 1

Interested in joining a peer support group for ACS!


Level 1

I am also interested in joining such group.


Level 6

Going forward, if anyone is interested in connecting on Google Hangouts to discuss/troubleshoot ACS please feel free to join the following conversation.



Level 2

Also interested in joining - great idea!


Level 6

Giving this a bump now the forum has an ACS specific area.


Level 4

I always thought we had an ACS specific area but I did get replies to some of my inquiries that were linked to ACC documentation.

How can you tell it is an ACS specific are, can you link to it?


Level 6

Hi Rob,

On the forums the topics used to just be all grouped together under Adobe Campaign - It wasn't always obvious what related to ACC & ACS so I was keen to see if any fellow ACS users wanted to connect outside of the forums to discuss any ideas/issues they were having.

I'm still keen to build a network of regular experienced ACS users who could support each other. The platform in which to do this seems to be the biggest problem though as different networks seem to have very different restrictions.

I'm open to suggestions.


Level 4

I guess Slack could be an option as it's easy to setup and easy to create channels for different topics as well as a general discussion.

I know that I had an uphill battle as a total newcomer and sometimes still have with unanswered questions so if a network can speed things up then I am all for it, I think knowledge sharing is crucial if you want to work with anything.

I am only worried that if we start using another network then the knowledge gets lost that could benefit newcomers.



Level 6

Thanks Rob, I've never used Slack but I'll look into it.

In the meantime, feel free to join the Google Hangouts group I created.


Level 10

Hi Bob,

Thank you for the initiative. I'm the new Community Manager for Adobe Campaign. A couple of months ago, I executed the separation between Classic and Standard on the forums.

We hope this makes it easier to ask questions and find answers. Help pages and documentation also have that division as a toggle below the header of the page:

Adobe Campaign Standard Learn & Support

That same separation will eventually come to Intelligent Guidance of Experience League, too. As we'll be adding more and more content to help users with common workflows and issues.

How can I join your unofficial Campaign Hangouts help group?

We're always interested in providing more ways to communicate for all our users and appreciate feedback. We're also moving to a new more dynamic platform for the forums at some point in 2019 (details soon). Thank you!



Level 6

Thanks Pablo - the update to the forums is very useful.

I look forward to hearing about the new dynamic forum. In the meantime anyone can join the Google Hangouts group using the following link:
