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Broadlog volume changes !


Level 2

Hello community,
I have a problem when I set up a workflow on broadlog of a specific date like for example "01-01-2021",
the Sent volume is 13 but it changes every day each time the workflow is executed even if I don't change the date in the query.

Could someone help me on this issue and advise on how to retrieve the exact volume?

7 Replies


Employee Advisor

In case a bounce etc. is coming in later, it will adjust the date field of the broadlog.

This may explain the decreasing count.


Level 2

Hi @ramon_bisswanger,thanks for your answer,
The number is increasing and the broadlog date is not adjustable because it is defined as a rule in the target tab of the query.


Employee Advisor
As said, some user interaction can change the Event Date on the broad log. e.g. someone unsubscribing via SMTP header List-Unsubscribe address or Feedback Loop may adjust the date to this timeframe. You should check the status messages for the status. Also if e.g. a retry was done due to some temporary error, the date could change


Level 2

Hi ramon, thanks for your answer, I agree with you, but why in ACS report it never changes ?
How to retrieve the sent volume that is in the ACS report?


Hi @ramon_bisswanger, Could you please help @El-Coder further? Thanks!‎

Sukrity Wadhwa


Community Advisor

Hi @El-Coder ,

If possible, please post your Query Screenshot.


ParthaSarathy S


Level 2