Don't leave a free exam voucher on the table! Our buy one, get one (BOGO) promotion on Adobe Certified Expert (ACE) exams ends on October 1, 2109. Take an ACE exam in any Adobe solution by October 1, 2019 and receive a voucher for a free second exam. You can use this voucher to take anothe...
I have a couple of questions in regards to Landing Pages based on client needs. Overview: Client is trying to build a Landing Page where they would essentially have a Country Code as part of the URL. They would promote the LP through the company website (their company website landing page is not hos...
The Control Panel lets you manage the subdomains that you delegated to Adobe Campaign. You can view your subdomains, as well as request renewal of their certificates. More actions will be available from this card with upcoming releases.More details on subdomain delegation is available here (Yes, it ...
I'm seeing an error while trying to send a transactional email in the execution logs:XTK-170036 Unable to parse expression '@emailFormat'.'emailFormat' attribute unknown (see definition of 'head:EVTwelcome' schema).This started happening within the past day, here's the logs showing older emails goi...
Hi ,I have a requirement to display data in a single form from multiple schema. Eg : Customer - > Policies - > Policy risks. Customer has multiple Policies and a Policy has multiple Policy Risks . The tables are linked . Customer and Policy with Customer id and Policy and Risk with Policy Id.I a...
Hi,I am a fresh ACS student and I am following the training videos on the SPP for sending email deliveries, but the email never arrives.Is there any configuration that I need to do to get that working properly? Or should it be configured by default?I am using the organization's ACS sandbox, it is no...
Hi,I need help about creation of organizational units.I have to create a really complicated combination of different brands (5 different brands for example brands A, B, C, D, E) for some specific fields.The fields are:- newsletter subscription for the 5 different brands- account subscription for the...
Hi Everyone.I got a new question this time for the transactionnal message..My customer need to send some real time message to his client.Problem is to be able to have a collection of items in another collection.According to the documentation (and some test), it is not possible to do it (which by th...
Does the Global Unsubscribe functionality (blacklisting) works on Profile level or email address level? If we have two Profiles with the same email address (but different primary key) and one of them unsubscribes from all communication (global unsubscribe) is the email address blacklisted in Adobe C...
Hi,For Campaign Standard, I've been told by neolane support that it is possible to install PGP and decrypt files on the SFTP before loadingHowever, i've checked documentation and forums and cannot find any reference to using PGP on campaign standard. Any existing references are for Adobe ClassicSee:...