I am trying to configure mta in local instance. I have already configured hmail server for localhost and have created a local domain known as localhost.com
Now when I am trying to configure mta the server stops because of below error
I have don the following changes in respective instance:
Changes done in serverconf File:
<mta args="-tracefilter:nlmta" autoStart="true" dataLogPath="" debugPath="" dnsRequestLogDelayMs=""
errorPeriodSec="300" initScript="" logEmailErrors="true" logLevel="2" maxMemoryMb="1024"
maxProcessMemoryAlertMb="1800" maxProcessMemoryWarningMb="1600" minConnectionsToLog="100"
minErrorsToLog="1" minMessagesToLog="1000" notifRelay="" processRestartTime="06:00:00"
purgeDataLogDelay="15" retryLostMessages="true" runLevel="10" statServerAddress="localhost:7777"
statServerTLSSupport="true" statServerVersion="" verifyMode="false" workingPath="$(XTK_INSTALL_DIR)/var/$(INSTANCE_NAME)/mta/"
xMailer="nlserver, Build $(PRODUCT_VERSION)">
<relay address="localhost" port="25"/>
Changes done in instance config File:
<mta autoStart="true" statServerAddress="localhost">
<IPAffinity localDomain="localhost.com" name="default,mid.default,dev.default,test.default">
<!-- For dev instances, if you need a default IP (not recommended), use address="" -->
<IP address="" heloHost="" publicId="1" weight="5"/>
Any lead or any kind of solution will be of great help