Hello Team,
Welcome to the Adobe Campaign Community Mentorship program! This is the featured Community Discussion thread for your Adobe Campaign Community Mentor, Satheeskanna Krishnan (a.k.a. @SatheeskannaK), who will be here to guide and support you and your peers with your Adobe Campaign questions as you prepare for the Adobe Campaign Classic Developer Professional Certification (Exam ID: AD0-E331), through to the end of the program.
Aspirants mapped to Satheeskanna Krishnan (a.k.a. @SatheeskannaK
How to participate
Quick links
Let's grow together!
Thanks, @Sukrity_Wadhwa.
Hello Everyone,
I hope you are all doing well!
Welcome to the Adobe Campaign Mentorship Program 2023!
I'm glad to learn through this program as a team and help to provide the support needed.
You can find the exam objective, scope, and additional details about the certification on the link provided in this thread. Sharing that again here, https://experienceleague.adobe.com/docs/certification/program/technical-certifications/acc/acc-profe...
Attached is the toolkit for module1 to prepare for this week.
Let's use this thread for any communications and questions.
Hey Guys,
I'm happy to setup a call once a week to collaborate with each other and discuss the learnings/questions if interested.
Hello @AshwinC5I @AryaRajendraK @juantonio_18 @ravitejagundu @ritusingh @mazumder,
Hope you have a good understanding of Module1 topics focuses on system configuration. Attached is the toolkit for Module2 to prepare for this week. Module2 will focus on the following sections,
More details about certification details can be found here: Certification journey for Adobe Campaign Classic Developer Professional
Watch this space for a quiz this week!
Let me know if anyone has any questions.
Hi @SatheeskannaK ,
Thanks for sharing the module 2 also. Will go through the document and post a reply here if any questions or doubts are raised.
Raviteja Gundu.
@AshwinC5I @AryaRajendraK @juantonio_18 @ravitejagundu @ritusingh @mazumder,
It's time to have a quiz. Take a look at this question and let me know what you think is the answer.
ABC Corp company wants to deploy a phone loyalty campaign. The daily processing volume of a call center is estimated at 10,000. Part of the requirement is to restrict the number of email messages to 9000 sent per day from the Adobe campaign. The marketing team wants to apply this rule to multiple email deliveries. Which typology rule should be used to accomplish this task?
1. Control
2. Filtering
3. Capacity
4. Pressure
Hi @SatheeskannaK ,
The answer for quiz question regarding the typology rule is "Capacity".
Raviteja Gundu.
Congratulations @ravitejagundu for giving the correct answer to the mentor quiz question!
Ashwin D , Arya Rajendra Kumar Ramlakhan , Ritu Singh, Juan Antonio Santa Cruz , Imranul Haque Mazumder
With that, I want to emphasise that the purpose of this quiz was never solely about winning; it was designed to be a tool for you all to test your knowledge and measure your progress in your learning journey.
I encourage each of you to actively participate in this Campaign Mentorship Program, engage with your mentors and fellow learners, and make the most of this valuable opportunity. Your dedication and hard work will be the true measure of your success!
Hello everyone,
@AshwinC5I @AryaRajendraK @juantonio_18 @ravitejagundu @ritusingh @mazumder
Attached is the toolkit for Module3 to prepare for this week. Module3 will focus on operational security.
I would suggest taking a practice test by attempting sample questions provided on this link: AD0-E331PracticeTest
Also, Now it's time to schedule the exam. Look forward to my email on how to get certification vouchers.
Any questions feel free to reach out to me.
Hello everyone,
@AshwinC5I @AryaRajendraK @juantonio_18 @ravitejagundu @ritusingh @mazumder
Attached is the toolkit for Module 4 to prepare for this week.
Module 4 focuses on Technical Workflows.
4.1 Get started with data import and export
4.2 How to use workflow data
4.3 Campaign data model description
4.4 Build a workflow
4.5 Monitor workflow execution
4.6 Set up and manage the approval process
I hope your preparations are going well and you've already scheduled your exam. If not go ahead and schedule your exam,
Feel free to let me know if you have any questions.
Hello everyone,
@AshwinC5I @AryaRajendraK @juantonio_18 @ravitejagundu @ritusingh @mazumder
Attached is the toolkit for Module 5 to prepare for this week.
Module 5 focuses on Instance Maintenance (4%),
Again, take the practice exam to understand the sample questions asked. If you haven't scheduled your certification go ahead and schedule to make use of this opportunity.
Feel free to let me know if you have any questions.
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Hi @juantonio_18, Thanks for letting me know. Can you check now?
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Thank you very much Sathees!
Juan Santa Cruz
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Hello everyone,
@AshwinC5I @AryaRajendraK @juantonio_18 @ravitejagundu @ritusingh @mazumder
Attached is the toolkit for Module 6.
Module 6 focuses on Campaign Configuration (14%),
Reminder, If you haven't scheduled your certification go ahead and schedule to make use of this opportunity.
Feel free to let me know if you have any questions.
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Hello everyone,
@AshwinC5I @AryaRajendraK @juantonio_18 @ravitejagundu @ritusingh @mazumder
I hope you all making use of this opportunity to get certified. Thank you for your participation in this program. Let's continue to learn and ask questions if you have any.
Congrats and all the best!!
@Sukrity_Wadhwa @NimashaJain Thank you for organizing such a wonderful program and providing the opportunity. I believe it will lead to getting more certified professionals, better community collaboration, and help to grow the community.
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Voucher for Sale! [50% Discount]
Hello Community!
I hope you all are doing well:)
I have an amazing voucher available for purchase that I unfortunately can't utilize. It's for Adobe Professional Certification.
Voucher Details:
Expiry Date: 25/12/2023
Original Certification Price: $95.00 + Taxes
Voucher Price: $58.15
Voucher Usage:
Exam voucher is valid for one of the following PSI or Examityl
If you're interested or know someone who is planning to attempt anyone of the above mentioned exams in upcoming days, feel free to reach out to me. I'll share you the voucher number and original payment receipt.
Thanks for your interest!
Keep learning:)
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