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XML-110009 Unable to find the element 'Body' of path '/' (document with schema 'SOAP-ENV:Envelope')


Level 2

Hi All

While trying to run a JSSP in adobe campaign classic v7, I am getting below error.

XML-110009 Unable to find the element 'Body' of path '/' (document with schema 'SOAP-ENV:Envelope')


Could anyone help me on this. I am trying to offer using soap call as per the adobe documentation.

Integration via SOAP (server side) | Adobe Campaign.


Thank you


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1 Accepted Solution


Correct answer by
Level 2

This is resolved , Issue was with the SOAP protocol I was using, when I was trying with SOAP_11 or internal protocol, the code works fine.

View solution in original post

11 Replies


Employee Advisor

Hi Sankar,


Have you done web search on that particular error? I did so on my end and found several articles (outside of Campaign) where this kind of error relates to using bad characters or formatting problems with the SOAP call.


I would recommend doing some digging and comparing those forums to your SOAP call to see if anything might apply.





Level 2

Thank you @Craig_Thonis for your reply,

I am attempting to invoke the addMethod on the nms:interaction SOAP service, followed by the Propose method, as outlined in the documentation. Since there is no custom SOAP call involved, I won't be able to dig deeper into the SOAP call occurring behind this code. Please find the screenshot below for your reference.





Community Advisor

Hello @SankarRa1  Can share more details on how this JSSP us used?

I suspect the code mentioned in documentation is not complete.

the code creates a URL using a dynamic variable env but is not initialized in the code anywhere.

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Level 2

Hi @_Manoj_Kumar_ , Thank you for your response,

Yes the code is incomplete, but I have initialized the env variable as well and passing all the variables as parameters . Adding the code for your reference.


var env= request.getUTF8Parameter("env");
var space = request.parameters.sp
var cnx = new HttpSoapConnection(
getOption("NmsServer_IntranetURL") + "interaction/" + env + "/" + space,
var session = new SoapService(cnx, "nms:interaction")
var action = request.parameters.a
if( action == undefined )
action = 'propose'
switch( action )
case "update":
var proposition = request.parameters.p
var status = request.parameters.st
session.addMethod("UpdateStatus", "nms:interaction#UpdateStatus",
["proposition", "string",
"status", "string",
"context", "NLElement"],
session.UpdateStatus(proposition, status, <undef/>)
var redirect = request.parameters.r
if( redirect != undefined )

case "propose":
var count = request.parameters.n
var target = request.parameters.t
var category = request.getUTF8Parameter("c")
var theme = request.parameters.th
var layout = request.parameters.l
if( count == undefined )
count = 1
var addMenthodResp = session.addMethod("Propose", "nms:proposition#Propose",
["targetId", "string", "maxCount", "string", "categories", "string", "themes", "string", "context", "NLElement"],
["interactionId", "string", "propositions", "NLElement"]);
var result = session.Propose(target, count, category, theme, <empty/>)
var props = result[1]
for each( var propHtml in props.proposition.*.mdSource )
catch( e )
document.write("error: "+ e);




Community Advisor

Hello @SankarRa1 Did you try to find where in the code is the issue? You can use the classic code commenting technique until you find which piece of code is causing the error.

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Level 2

Yes @_Manoj_Kumar_ , I just removed the comments for better readability, I am getting the error when it is trying to call session.propose method.The code is working as expected till that call, then its moving to catch block.





Community Advisor

Hello @SankarRa1  Check if the arguments passed on Propose method are correctly passed and they are not null or undefined.. 


Try to call this method by passing some sample values that you are expecting. This will help you identify if the issue is with the dynamic data passed in method or the method itself.

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Level 2

Hi @_Manoj_Kumar_ , Thank you for your response, I have tried this with proper parameter, always getting the same error. Tried enabling the verbose logs and this the response I am getting


Response:\n<SOAP-ENV:Envelope\n  xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema"\n  xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"\n  xmlns:ns="http://xml.apache.org/xml-soap"\n  xmlns:SOAP-ENV="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/">\n  <SOAP-ENV:Body>\n    <ProposeResponse xmlns="urn:nms:interaction">\n      <interactionId xsi:type="xsd:string">0</interactionId>\n      <propositions xsi:type="ns:Element" SOAP-ENV:encodingStyle="http://xml.apache.org/xml-soap/literalxml">\n        <propositions></propositions>\n      </propositions><uuid></uuid>\n    </ProposeResponse>\n  </SOAP-ENV:Body>\n</SOAP-ENV:Envelope>
2025-01-17 13:27:30.096Z        00144293        001442B0          1     error   log     XML-110009 Unable to find the element 'Body' of path '/' (document with schema 'SOAP-ENV:Envelope') (iRc=16384)


Community Advisor

@SankarRa1  Do you have any interaction running on this instance to confirm there is no issue with interaction module? If everything is working then I suggest to create Adobe ticket.

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Level 2

@_Manoj_Kumar_ , interaction module is working as expected, as I am able to present offers using client-side scripts and previews. I've already submitted a ticket to Adobe for this issue and am simultaneously checking with the community to see if anyone else has encountered it. Thank you for your valuable feedback.


Correct answer by
Level 2

This is resolved , Issue was with the SOAP protocol I was using, when I was trying with SOAP_11 or internal protocol, the code works fine.