We are getting continuously errors while saving the response of an API call in a custom schema.
Following errors:
BAS-010003 Unable to complete operation in current status.
SOP-330012 Empty return for method 'Write' of service 'urn:xtk:persist'
SOP-330012 Empty return for method 'ExecuteQuery' of service 'urn:xtk:queryDef'
SOP-330012 Empty return for method 'Write' of service 'urn:xtk:session'
We are using session method and this is how we are starting the session:
var cnx = new HttpSoapConnection(SOAP_ROUTER_URL);
var session = new SoapService(cnx, 'urn:xtk:session');
//for login , we have declared function Logon on the Soap service by passing userid and password.
session.addMethod("Logon", "xtk:session#Logon",["sessiontoken", "string", "Login", "string", "Password", "string", "parameters", "NLElement"],["sessionToken", "string", "sessionInfo", "NLElement", "securityToken", "string"]);
session.addMethod("Write", "xtk:persist#Write", ["sessiontoken", "string", "docDom", "NLElement"],[]);
var res = session.Logon("",USERID, PASSWORD,<param/>);
var sessionToken = res[0];
var securityToken = res[2];
// name and value of the arguments will be added to the connection string
cnx.addTokens(sessionToken, securityToken);
var query = new SoapService(cnx, 'urn:xtk:queryDef');
query.addMethod("ExecuteQuery", "xtk:queryDef#ExecuteQuery",
["sessiontoken", "string", "entity", "NLElement"],
["res", "NLElement"]);
Is there an issue in the session, or is this because of some other reason????
Also, is it possibly due to multiple logInfo() in the script???