Hello, I'm new to Adobe campaign and need some help with an Input Form regarding a field to be defaulting to 1 instead of 0 (See xml form below). Any feedback on how to achieve the result of Campaign Duration defaulting to 1 would be greatly appreciated.
XML CampaignForm:
<form _cs="New marketing campaign (nms)" colcount="2" created="2021-08-09 04:41:39.193Z"
createdBy-id="0" entity-schema="nms:operation" entitySchema="xtk:form" img="nms:operation-large.png"
label="New marketing campaign" lastModified="2022-10-31 13:28:51.967Z" md5="43F6E55E32DECABFD9D339BB30577FFF"
modifiedBy-id="6756910" name="newOperation" namespace="nms" noNewInstance="true"
nothingToSave="true" xpathsToLoad="@isModel" xtkschema="xtk:form">
<set value="false" xpath="/ignored/@checkProcessId"/>
<if expr="HasPackage('nms:webAnalytics')">
<set value="true" xpath="/ignored/remarketing/@showForm"/>
<container name="lib" type="visibleGroup" visibleIf="false">
<container colcount="2" colspan="2" name="general">
<input colspan="2" xpath="@label"/>
<input xpath="@nature"/>
<input xpath="@messageType"/>
<container type="visibleGroup" visibleIf="@isModel">
<input xpath="@type"/>
<container colspan="2" type="visibleGroup" visibleIf="(@isModel and [/tmp/@saveAsModel]=='')">
<input createMode="none" img="nms:program.png" label="Parent marketing program"
<condition expr="@model = 'nmsProgram'"/>
<container colspan="2" type="visibleGroup" visibleIf="@isModel=false and ([/tmp/@newFromModel]==true or [/tmp/@newFromMenu]==true or [/tmp/processId]==0 or [/tmp/@showFolder]=1)">
<input createMode="none" img="nms:program.png" label="Program" writeAccess="true"
<condition expr="@isView = 0 and @model = 'nmsProgram'"/>
<container colspan="2" type="visibleGroup" visibleIf="[/tmp/@saveAsModel]==true or ([/tmp/@showFolder]=1 and @isModel)">
<input createMode="none" label="Program" setDefault="true" writeAccess="true"
<condition expr="@model = 'nmsOperationModel'"/>
<container applicableIf="HasPackage('crm:webex')" colcount="2" colspan="2"
type="visibleGroup" visibleIf="EV(@nature, 'webinar')">
<input xpath="crm/webex/webExAccount">
<condition expr="@type=30 AND @Active=true"/>
<input xpath="crm/webex/@meetingKey"/>
<input form="crm:webExSelectWebinar" img="crm:webex/webex_16x16.png" label="Webinar selection wizard..."
nolabel="true" prebuildSubForm="false" type="subformLink"/>
<static colspan="2" img="xtk:scheduledtasks.png" label="Schedule" type="separator"/>
<container colcount="2" colspan="2" type="visibleGroup" visibleIf="@isModel=false or EV(@type, 'periodic')">
<input xpath="@start"/>
<input xpath="@end"/>
<container colspan="2" type="visibleGroup" visibleIf="@isModel and EV(@type, 'periodic')=false">
<input xpath="@duration"/>
<container ref="nms:operation:lib/remarketingParams"/>
<static colspan="2" label="Description of the campaign" type="separator"/>
<input colspan="2" nolabel="true" xpath="desc"/>
<container colspan="2" type="visibleGroup" visibleIf="@isModel=false and [/tmp/@newFromModel]=false">
<static img="nms:circle-one.png">Select a campaign template</static>
<input boldLineExpr="@builtIn = 1" choiceButton="true" createMode="none" defaultModelSearchExpr="Iif([@_instanceModelId]!=0 and [@_instanceModelId]!='', '@id=' + [@_instanceModelId], '@internalName=\'opEmpty\'')"
folderFilterChoice="@model IN ('nmsOperationModel', 'nmsOperation')" form="nms:operation"
fullLoad="true" img="nms:operation.png" label="Template" newFromModelOnChange="true"
noZoom="true" schema="nms:operation" selectionPath="/tmp/model" type="linkEdit"
<condition expr="@type != 2"/>
<condition expr="@isModel = 1"/>
<node expr="@builtIn" sortDesc="true"/>
<node expr="@label"/>
<enter name="onChange">
<if expr="@isModel=false or EV(@type, 'periodic')">
<!-- force the current date -->
<set expr="ToDate(GetDate())" xpath="@start"/>
<set expr="iif (@duration=0 or @start='' , @start, DateAdd(@start, @duration))"
<if expr="[/tmp/processId]!='' and [/tmp/processId]!=0 and [/ignored/@checkProcessId]=false">
<!-- Need to check if selected folder is a program and not a plan -->
<set value="xtk:folder" xpath="/ignored/queryDef/@schema"/>
<set value="get" xpath="/ignored/queryDef/@operation"/>
<set value="@model" xpath="/ignored/queryDef/select/node/@expr"/>
<set expr="'@id='+[/tmp/processId]" xpath="/ignored/queryDef/where/condition/@expr"/>
<soapCall name="ExecuteQuery" service="xtk:queryDef">
<param exprIn="[/ignored/queryDef]" type="DOMDocument"/>
<param type="DOMDocument" xpathOut="/tmp/queryDef"/>
<if expr="[/tmp/queryDef/@model]!='nmsProgram'">
<!-- reset to force to choice a program -->
<set value="0" xpath="/tmp/processId"/>
<set value="true" xpath="/ignored/@checkProcessId"/>
<static colspan="2" img="nms:circle-two.png">Complete or change the campaign settings</static>
<container ref="nms:newOperation:lib/general"/>
<check expr="[/tmp/model/key/@value]!=0 and [/tmp/model/key/@value]!=''">
<error>You must specify a campaign template.</error>
<check expr="@isModel or @start='' or @End='' or @start<=@end">
<error>The end date is earlier than the start date.</error>
<!-- Create job from process folder, need to apply the same folder key -->
<if expr="[/tmp/processId]!=0 AND [/tmp/processId]!=''">
<set expr="[/tmp/processId]" xpath="@program-id"/>
<set value="0" xpath="@programProcess-id"/>
<check expr="[@program-id]!=0">
<error>You must specify the campaign program.</error>
<soapCall name="CreateOperationFromModel" service="nms:operation">
<param exprIn="." type="DOMElement"/>
<!-- Need to wake up workflow task in case of there are some task to notify -->
<if expr="HasPackage('nms:mrm')">
<soapCall name="WakeupTask" service="xtk:workflow">
<param exprIn="'taskMgt'" type="string"/>
<param exprIn="''" type="string"/>
<param exprIn="'scheduler'" type="string"/>
<!-- Set the workflow and its parameters in the Web Analytics extAccount -->
<if expr="HasPackage('nms:webAnalytics') and EV(@nature, 'opNatureRemarketing')">
<if expr="[@webAnalyticsAccount-id] != 0 and [/ignored/@webAnalyticsSegment] != '' and [/ignored/webAnalyticsDlvTemplate] != 0">
<soapCall name="SetRemarketingParams" service="nms:extAccount">
<param exprIn="@id" type="int"/>
<param exprIn="[@webAnalyticsAccount-id]" type="int"/>
<param exprIn="[/ignored/@webAnalyticsSegment]" type="string"/>
<param exprIn="[/tmp/webAnalyticsDlvTemplate]" type="int"/>
<param type="string" xpathOut="/ignored/@newWorkflowName"/>
<if expr="[/ignored/@newWorkflowName]!=''">
<msgBox translatedExpr="'The segment ' + [/ignored/@webAnalyticsSegment]+ ' is now being processed by workflow ' + [/ignored/@newWorkflowName] +'.'"/>
Solved! Go to Solution.
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Hi @Soph75,
You need to modify campaign duration in campaign template as well.
Navigate to /Resources/Templates/Campaign templates/
And modify Campaign Duration to 1 in the campaign template which you use [by default, New campaign (opEmpty)].
After modifying the template, Create a new campaign and you can find the campaign duration defaulting to 1.
Hi @Soph75 ,
The field 'Campaign Duration' is set via option "NmsOperation_Duration" (Admin>Platform>Options).
So, if you want to set any default value such as 1 day then you can go to this option and set the default value in seconds.
Hi Shubham, Thanks for your reply and pointing out the "NmsOperation_Duration" option value setting to 1. After making the update to the option then tried to create a new campaign... the Campaign duration field is still defaulting to 0. Is there an extra step that I'm missing in the Input form or nms:operation schema? Thanks, Soph
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Hi @Soph75 ,
In your case you should check the declaration of @duration field in the Input of "nms:operation" (Admin>Configuration>Input forms) as when I try to show @duration field on my side I can see the correct default period as 5d.
Also, if this NmsOperation_duration field does not work for you then you can also try to extend this nms:operation schema and introduce a new attribute for a custom_duration and modify the formula of calculation of end date w.r.t to this new duration field.
Hi @Soph75,
You need to modify campaign duration in campaign template as well.
Navigate to /Resources/Templates/Campaign templates/
And modify Campaign Duration to 1 in the campaign template which you use [by default, New campaign (opEmpty)].
After modifying the template, Create a new campaign and you can find the campaign duration defaulting to 1.
Hi Pratha,
The suggested solution above worked when updating the Campaign Templates. The campaign duration is now defaulting to 1 when creating new ones.