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Sending a XLS/PDF tracking report for specific delivery in Email


Level 1



Need your help looking thru the use case in the below URL I am not able to replicate this in my Instance.

as there are few open questions.



var reportName = "deliveryFeedback";
var path = "/tmp/deliveryFeedback.pdf";
var exportFormat = "PDF";
var reportURL = "<PUT THE URL OF THE REPORT HERE>"; -- What will come Here if i need some delivery tracking URL reports? 
var _ctx = <ctx _context="global" _reportContext="deliveryFeedback" />
var isAdhoc = 0;

xtk.report.export(reportName, _ctx, exportFormat, path, isAdhoc);

 I tried to replicate the same code without a URL but it's not working.


@Milan_Vucetic , @Marcel_Szimonisz @Adhiyan 




3 Replies



Hello Sushant,


Generally the reports would be accessible via this URL - https://<instance_url>/report/<report internalName>


But to confirm you can simply go to the report you want to export from the delivery , right click on the report and go to properties.

there you would be able to see the address URL.




Level 1
Thank you Adhiyan for quick reply, Can we pull report with dynamic delivery code in JS and pull the pdf Reports with top links


Hi @Adhiyan, Could you please help @SushantTrimukhe further? Thanks!

Sukrity Wadhwa