Hi Team,
I have a use case whereby I'd like to send SMS to someone who is not a recipient in the DB but his/her mobile number is tagged along with recipient's mob No in the variable fields in my targeting dimension.
- E.g.
Customer Name | Recipient Mob No | FP Mobile Number (variable field in targeting dimension) |
ABC | 9898989898 | 8787878787 |
BCD | 4545454545 | 1212121212 |
XYZ | 2323232323 | 9090909090 |
Now, the target mapping OR targeting dimension/schema for my SMS delivery is configured to send the SMS to "Recipient Mob No" which is all good , my requirement is to send the same SMS copy (which is going to Recipient Mob No) to "FP Mobile Number" as well with the same SMS text.
PS: I cannot add “FP Mobile Number” column along with the “Recipient Mob No” column in the “target mapping”.
Any help would be appreciated.