Hi Team,
We are actually facing an issue, where we let users or customers register from a form through an API and we have the recipient wsdl exposed to the API which is handled by an integrator.
The wsdl was working fine till we added new product details into both extended recipient schema and the javascript code.
The error log from the external system is something like below :-
"AccountNo":""},"Status":{"TransactionStatus":"REJECTED","StatusDescription":"Error occurred while processing SOAP response.","StatusCode":"900"},"Error":{"ErrorNumber":"03","Error":"Partial Success:[ISS.0088.9139] Output parameters do not conform to targetOutputSignature: \n\terrorCode=VV-002\n\tpathName=/tns:<tablename>/@SOAP-ENV:encodingStyle\n\terrorMessage=[ISC.0082.9026] Undefined Object found\n"}
But when we test the same wsdl from SOAP UI it is working fine from the Remote Server. And it shows error when executed from the local machine.
And in either of the cases Adobe Campaign is actually receiving the data in the respective tables.
Requesting for any help in here.