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operationMgt failed... but why?


Level 6

Hi, In the last days, I enter campaign and find that the workflow: Campaign jobs (operationMgt) has failed. Looking into the logs, it looks like someone deleted a recurringDelivery from their workflow, while there were 'child' deliveries still being sent.

How do I find which campaign, the deleted delivery was on? So I can talk to the user about this behaviour.

Form the last "good" lines of the logs... it appears it was alvaro's campaign? Of so, which campaign? 


Filtering deliveries by:  primary key == 94771447 ('recurringDelivery' with condition '@id = 94771447' ... of course because this was deleted).
Filtering deliveries by: internal name ==  95532478 (Param(0)=95532478... doesn't return a delivery neither)

This is the error:

07/25/2024 9:51:32 PM SCR-160012 Javascript: error while evaluating script 'operationMgt/scheduler'.
07/25/2024 9:51:32 PM SOP-330011 Error while executing the method 'SubmitJob' of service 'nms:delivery'.
07/25/2024 9:51:32 PM Unable to load document of type 'Deliveries (nms:delivery)' because link 'recurringDelivery' with condition '@id = 94771447' not found in the database.
07/25/2024 9:51:32 PM WDB-200011 The requested database record does not exist.
07/25/2024 9:51:32 PM WHERE (D42.iDeliveryId = :#(1)#) AND ((D42.iDeleteStatus = :#(2)#))' could not be executed. Param(0)=95532478 Param(1)=0
07/25/2024 9:51:32 PM eryId = D42.iRecurringDeliveryId) JOIN NmsDeliveryOutline D74 ON (D74.iDeliveryOutlineId = D42.iDeliveryOutlineId) JOIN NmsLocalOrder L75 ON (L75.iLocalOrderId = D42.iCurrentOrderId) LEFT JOIN NmsLastDlvSnapshot L76 ON (L76.iDeliveryId = D42.iDeliveryId)
07/25/2024 9:51:32 PM owId = D42.iWorkflowId) JOIN NmsBudget B70 ON (B70.iBudgetId = D42.iBudgetId) JOIN NmsSupplierModel S71 ON (S71.iSupplierModelId = D42.iSupplierModelId) JOIN NmsDelivery D72 ON (D72.iDeliveryId = D42.iLinkedDeliveryId) JOIN NmsDelivery D73 ON (D73.iDeliv
07/25/2024 9:51:32 PM 0.iFdaExtAccountId) JOIN NmsOperation O66 ON (O66.iOperationId = D42.iOperationId) JOIN NmsOperation O67 ON (O67.iOperationId = D42.iOwnerOperationId) JOIN NmsDelivery D68 ON (D68.iDeliveryId = D42.iRoutingDeliveryId) JOIN XtkWorkflow W69 ON (W69.iWorkfl
07/25/2024 9:51:32 PM d = E60.iCreatedById) JOIN XtkOperator O62 ON (O62.iOperatorId = E60.iModifiedById) JOIN XtkFolder F63 ON (F63.iFolderId = E60.iFolderId) JOIN XtkFolder F64 ON (F64.iFolderId = E60.iFolderSetOfServicesId) JOIN NmsExtAccount E65 ON (E65.iExtAccountId = E6
07/25/2024 9:51:32 PM Id) JOIN XtkFolder X58 ON (X58.iFolderId = D42.iOfferAnonymousCategoryId) JOIN NmsExtAccount E59 ON (E59.iExtAccountId = D42.iCmsAccountId) JOIN NmsExtAccount E60 ON (E60.iExtAccountId = D42.iWebAnalyticsAccountId) JOIN XtkOperator O61 ON (O61.iOperatorI
07/25/2024 9:51:32 PM 9.iFolderId) JOIN NmsDelivery D54 ON (D54.iDeliveryId = D42.iProofedDeliveryId) JOIN NmsOfferSpace O55 ON (O55.iOfferSpaceId = D42.iOfferSpaceId) JOIN XtkFolder X56 ON (X56.iFolderId = O55.iEnvId) JOIN XtkFolder X57 ON (X57.iFolderId = D42.iOfferCategory
07/25/2024 9:51:32 PM pingId = D42.iMappingId) JOIN XtkOperator O50 ON (O50.iOperatorId = D49.iCreatedById) JOIN XtkOperator O51 ON (O51.iOperatorId = D49.iModifiedById) JOIN NmsDelivery D52 ON (D52.iDeliveryId = D49.iDefaultOriginId) JOIN XtkFolder F53 ON (F53.iFolderId = D4
07/25/2024 9:51:32 PM reatedById) JOIN XtkOperator O46 ON (O46.iOperatorId = D42.iModifiedById) JOIN NmsExtAccount E47 ON (E47.iExtAccountId = D42.iDeliveryProviderId) JOIN NmsTypology T48 ON (T48.iTypologyId = D42.iTypologyId) JOIN NmsDeliveryMapping D49 ON (D49.iDeliveryMap
07/25/2024 9:51:32 PM OrderId, L76.iDeliveryId, D42.mData, D49.mData, X56.mData, E60.mData FROM NmsDelivery D42 JOIN XtkFolder F43 ON (F43.iFolderId = D42.iFolderId) JOIN XtkFolder F44 ON (F44.iFolderId = D42.iFolderProcessId) JOIN XtkOperator O45 ON (O45.iOperatorId = D42.iC
07/25/2024 9:51:32 PM action, D72.tsValidity, D72.tsWebValidity, COALESCE(D73.sLabel, '') || E' (' || COALESCE(D73.sInternalName, '') || E')', D73.iDeliveryId, D74.sLabel, D74.iDeliveryOutlineId, COALESCE(L75.sLabel, '') || E' (' || COALESCE(L75.sName, '') || E')', L75.iLocal
07/25/2024 9:51:32 PM COALESCE(W69.sInternalName, '') || E')', W69.iWorkflowId, B70.sLabel, B70.iBudgetId, S71.sLabel, S71.iSupplierModelId, COALESCE(D72.sLabel, '') || E' (' || COALESCE(D72.sInternalName, '') || E')', D72.iDeliveryId, D72.iDelayed, D72.tsContact, D72.tsExtr
07/25/2024 9:51:32 PM || E')', O66.iOperationId, COALESCE(O67.sLabel, '') || E' (' || COALESCE(O67.sInternalName, '') || E')', O67.iOperationId, COALESCE(D68.sLabel, '') || E' (' || COALESCE(D68.sInternalName, '') || E')', D68.iDeliveryId, COALESCE(W69.sLabel, '') || E' (' ||
07/25/2024 9:51:32 PM iOperatorId, COALESCE(O62.sLabel, '') || E' (' || COALESCE(O62.sName, '') || E')', O62.iOperatorId, F63.sLabel, F63.iFolderId, F64.sLabel, F64.iFolderId, E65.sLabel, E65.iExtAccountId, COALESCE(O66.sLabel, '') || E' (' || COALESCE(O66.sInternalName, '')
07/25/2024 9:51:32 PM E60.iFolderSetOfServicesId, E60.iFdaExtAccountId, E60.iMcHistoMethod, E60.sAccount_sid, E60.sAuth_token, E60.sBase_url, E60.sMessaging_service, E60.sTargetMapping, E60.iDeployed, COALESCE(O61.sLabel, '') || E' (' || COALESCE(O61.sName, '') || E')', O61.
07/25/2024 9:51:32 PM se, E60.iEncryptionType, E60.iEMailFunction, E60.iExecutionInstanceType, IsBitSet(E60.iExecutionInstanceType , 1), E60.iMessageType, E60.iDeliveryMode, E60.sMirrorURL, E60.iCreatedById, E60.iModifiedById, E60.tsCreated, E60.tsLastModified, E60.iFolderId,
07/25/2024 9:51:32 PM AzureTenant, E60.sRedirectUrl, E60.sAwsKey, E60.sAwsSecret, E60.sAwsRegion, E60.iUseServerSideEncryption, E60.sProvider, E60.sDbName, E60.iUnicodeData, E60.iNChar, E60.sTimezone, E60.iOnEveryRun, E60.iIsFFDA, E60.sXxlSchemaSuffix, E60.sReplicationWarehou
07/25/2024 9:51:32 PM ve, E60.iPackageAutoExport, E60.sServer, E60.sPort, E60.sAccount, E60.sPassword, E60.sTenant, E60.sImsOrgId, E60.sImsServer, E60.sUserScope, E60.sImsRightsMask, E60.sClientId, E60.sClientSecret, E60.sCallbackServer, E60.sProductContext, E60.iOAuth, E60.s
07/25/2024 9:51:32 PM || E')', O55.iOfferSpaceId, O55.iDefaultStatus, O55.iDisablePropositionStorage, O55.iEnvId, X56.iFolderId, X57.sLabel, X57.iFolderId, X58.sLabel, X58.iFolderId, E59.sLabel, E59.iExtAccountId, E60.sLabel, E60.iExtAccountId, E60.sName, E60.iType, E60.iActi
07/25/2024 9:51:32 PM SCE(D52.sInternalName, '') || E')', D52.iDeliveryId, F53.sLabel, F53.iFolderId, COALESCE(D54.sLabel, '') || E' (' || COALESCE(D54.sInternalName, '') || E')', D54.iDeliveryId, D54.iWorkflowId, COALESCE(O55.sLabel, '') || E' (' || COALESCE(X56.sLabel, '')
07/25/2024 9:51:32 PM .iTrackingHasDeviceIP, D49.iFolderId, COALESCE(O50.sLabel, '') || E' (' || COALESCE(O50.sName, '') || E')', O50.iOperatorId, COALESCE(O51.sLabel, '') || E' (' || COALESCE(O51.sName, '') || E')', O51.iOperatorId, COALESCE(D52.sLabel, '') || E' (' || COALE
07/25/2024 9:51:32 PM , D49.sTwitter, D49.iDefaultOriginId, D49.sBroadLogSchema, D49.sBroadLogExclSchema, D49.sTrackingLogSchema, D49.sBroadLogTable, D49.sBroadLogRcpKeys, D49.sBroadLogFilterKeys, D49.sTrackingLogTable, D49.sTrackingLogRcpKeys, D49.sTrackingLogFilterKeys, D49
07/25/2024 9:51:32 PM 49.sLabel, '') || E' (' || COALESCE(D49.sSchema, '') || E')', D49.sSchema, D49.iDeliveryMappingId, D49.sName, D49.sLabel, D49.sRecipientLink, D49.iIsFfda, D49.iBuiltIn, D49.iCreatedById, D49.iModifiedById, D49.tsCreated, D49.tsLastModified, D49.sFacebook
07/25/2024 9:51:32 PM ) || E' (' || COALESCE(O45.sName, '') || E')', O45.iOperatorId, COALESCE(O46.sLabel, '') || E' (' || COALESCE(O46.sName, '') || E')', O46.iOperatorId, E47.sLabel, E47.sMirrorURL, E47.iExtAccountId, T48.sLabel, T48.iTypologyId, T48.sIPAffinity, COALESCE(D
07/25/2024 9:51:32 PM yId, D42.iRecurringDeliveryId, D42.iDeliveryOutlineId, D42.iContentStatus, D42.iTargetStatus, D42.iBudgetStatus, D42.iExtractionStatus, D42.iSandboxStatus, D42.iCurrentOrderId, F43.sLabel, F43.iFolderId, F44.sLabel, F44.iFolderId, COALESCE(O45.sLabel, ''
07/25/2024 9:51:32 PM D42.iComputationState, D42.dTotalRealized, D42.dTotalMargin, D42.dTotalEstimatedRealized, D42.dTotalEstimatedMargin, D42.iOperationId, D42.iOwnerOperationId, D42.iRoutingDeliveryId, D42.iWorkflowId, D42.iBudgetId, D42.iSupplierModelId, D42.iLinkedDeliver
07/25/2024 9:51:32 PM oteId else D42.iDeliveryId end, D42.iPriority, D42.sDeliveryCode, D42.sSignKey, D42.iEmailLinksVersion, D42.iHasAttachments, D42.iDeleteStatus, D42.tsDelete, D42.iCommitmentLevel, D42.dEstimatedCost, D42.dRealCost, D42.dComputedCost, D42.tsLastComputed,
07/25/2024 9:51:32 PM ebAnalyticsAccountId, D42.iPublicationStatus, D42.sEventType, D42.tsContentModTime, D42.sNature, D42.iUseDce, D42.iAnalysisStep, D42.iMessageType, D42.iDeliveryMode, D42.iState, D42.iFCP, D42.iMidSourcing, case when D42.iMidSourcing <> 0 then D42.iMidRem
07/25/2024 9:51:32 PM ToDeliver - D42.iText) , 0) end)), Percent(D42.iTransaction , D42.iSuccessWithoutSeeds), case when D42.iTransaction = 0 then 0 else D42.dAmount / D42.iTransaction end, case when D42.iTransaction = 0 then 0 else D42.iArticle / D42.iTransaction end, D42.iW
07/25/2024 9:51:32 PM talRecipientClick , D42.iSuccessWithoutSeeds), Percent(D42.iMirrorPage , D42.iSuccessWithoutSeeds), Percent(D42.iRecipientClick , (case when (D42.iToDeliver - D42.iText) <= 0 then 0 else round(CAST(D42.iRecipientOpen AS NUMERIC) * D42.iToDeliver / (D42.i
07/25/2024 9:51:32 PM 2.iToDeliver / (D42.iToDeliver - D42.iText) , 0) end) , D42.iSuccessWithoutSeeds), Percent(D42.iRecipientClick , D42.iSuccessWithoutSeeds), Percent(D42.iForward , D42.iSuccessWithoutSeeds), Percent(D42.iOptOut , D42.iSuccessWithoutSeeds), Percent(D42.iTo
07/25/2024 9:51:32 PM er - D42.iText) <= 0 then 0 else round(CAST(D42.iTotalRecipientOpen AS NUMERIC) * D42.iToDeliver / (D42.iToDeliver - D42.iText) , 0) end, Percent((case when (D42.iToDeliver - D42.iText) <= 0 then 0 else round(CAST(D42.iTotalRecipientOpen AS NUMERIC) * D4
07/25/2024 9:51:32 PM 42.iToDeliver - D42.iText) , 0) end, Percent((case when (D42.iToDeliver - D42.iText) <= 0 then 0 else round(CAST(D42.iRecipientOpen AS NUMERIC) * D42.iToDeliver / (D42.iToDeliver - D42.iText) , 0) end) , D42.iSuccessWithoutSeeds), case when (D42.iToDeliv
07/25/2024 9:51:32 PM n + D42.iUnreachable + D42.iDisabled + D42.iMailboxFull + D42.iNotConnected + D42.iRefused)), Percent(D42.iErrorPending , D42.iError), case when (D42.iToDeliver - D42.iText) <= 0 then 0 else round(CAST(D42.iRecipientOpen AS NUMERIC) * D42.iToDeliver / (D
07/25/2024 9:51:32 PM 42.iNotConnected + D42.iRefused)), Percent(D42.iNotConnected , (D42.iUnknownUser + D42.iInvalidDomain + D42.iUnreachable + D42.iDisabled + D42.iMailboxFull + D42.iNotConnected + D42.iRefused)), Percent(D42.iRefused , (D42.iUnknownUser + D42.iInvalidDomai
07/25/2024 9:51:32 PM (D42.iUnknownUser + D42.iInvalidDomain + D42.iUnreachable + D42.iDisabled + D42.iMailboxFull + D42.iNotConnected + D42.iRefused)), Percent(D42.iMailboxFull , (D42.iUnknownUser + D42.iInvalidDomain + D42.iUnreachable + D42.iDisabled + D42.iMailboxFull + D
07/25/2024 9:51:32 PM D42.iDisabled + D42.iMailboxFull + D42.iNotConnected + D42.iRefused)), Percent(D42.iUnreachable , (D42.iUnknownUser + D42.iInvalidDomain + D42.iUnreachable + D42.iDisabled + D42.iMailboxFull + D42.iNotConnected + D42.iRefused)), Percent(D42.iDisabled ,
07/25/2024 9:51:32 PM efused, Percent(D42.iUnknownUser , (D42.iUnknownUser + D42.iInvalidDomain + D42.iUnreachable + D42.iDisabled + D42.iMailboxFull + D42.iNotConnected + D42.iRefused)), Percent(D42.iInvalidDomain , (D42.iUnknownUser + D42.iInvalidDomain + D42.iUnreachable +
07/25/2024 9:51:32 PM Deliver), Percent(D42.iSuccess , D42.iProcessed), Percent(D42.iError , D42.iProcessed), Percent(D42.iNewQuarantine , D42.iProcessed), D42.iUnknownUser + D42.iInvalidDomain + D42.iUnreachable + D42.iDisabled + D42.iMailboxFull + D42.iNotConnected + D42.iR
07/25/2024 9:51:32 PM ientOpen, D42.iTotalRecipientOpen, D42.iPersonClick, D42.iRecipientClick, D42.iTotalRecipientClick, D42.iForward, D42.iMirrorPage, D42.iOptOut, D42.iTransaction, D42.dAmount, D42.iArticle, D42.iWebPage, D42.iTotalWebPage, Percent(D42.iProcessed , D42.iTo
07/25/2024 9:51:32 PM D42.iTrackingPending, D42.iProcessed, D42.iSent, D42.iSuccess, D42.iSuccessWithoutSeeds, D42.iError, D42.iNewQuarantine, D42.iUnknownUser, D42.iInvalidDomain, D42.iUnreachable, D42.iDisabled, D42.iMailboxFull, D42.iNotConnected, D42.iRefused, D42.iRecip
07/25/2024 9:51:32 PM rrorPage, D42.iOfferSpaceId, D42.iOfferCategoryId, D42.iOfferAnonymousCategoryId, D42.iCmsAccountId, D42.sPublishingNamespace, D42.sPublishingName, D42.iInsertMode, D42.iDirty, D42.tsLastErrorComputation, D42.iErrorPending, D42.tsLastTrackingComputation,
07/25/2024 9:51:32 PM tionMode, D42.iAssignEdition, D42.iExternalValidation, D42.iRetry, D42.iMaxRetry, D42.dRetryPeriod, D42.tsNextPass, D42.tsBroadStart, D42.tsBroadEnd, D42.tsPassStart, D42.iMaxPersoTime, D42.iTypologyId, D42.iMappingId, D42.iProofedDeliveryId, D42.iNeedMi
07/25/2024 9:51:32 PM 0 then 1 else 0 end, case when IsBitSet(D42.iUseFCPValidation , 4) <> 0 then 1 else 0 end, case when IsBitSet(D42.iUseFCPValidation , <> 0 then 1 else 0 end, D42.iUseTaskCreation, D42.iUseLinkedDeliveryValidation, D42.iDisableNotification, D42.iValida
07/25/2024 9:51:32 PM e, D42.iUseBudgetValidation, D42.iUseTargetValidation, D42.iUseContentValidation, D42.iUseExtractionValidation, D42.iUseFCPValidation, case when IsBitSet(D42.iUseFCPValidation , 1) <> 0 then 1 else 0 end, case when IsBitSet(D42.iUseFCPValidation , 2) <>
07/25/2024 9:51:32 PM orecast, D42.tsExpectedEdition, D42.tsExpectedExternal, D42.tsReminderTarget, D42.tsReminderContent, D42.tsReminderBudget, D42.tsReminderExtraction, D42.tsReminderFCP, D42.tsReminderForecast, D42.tsReminderEdition, D42.tsReminderExternal, D42.iSandboxMod
07/25/2024 9:51:32 PM rged, D42.tsExtraction, D42.dDelayExtraction, D42.tsExtracted, D42.sIPAffinity, D42.iForecasted, D42.sLogin, D42.iMsgPriority, D42.tsExpectedTarget, D42.tsExpectedContent, D42.tsExpectedBudget, D42.tsExpectedExtraction, D42.tsExpectedFCP, D42.tsExpectedF
07/25/2024 9:51:32 PM ultipart , D42.iToDeliver), D42.iUrl, D42.iToValidate, D42.iCtrlGrpReject, D42.iDeliveryProviderId, D42.iWeightType, D42.iWeight, D42.dRate, D42.dDuration, D42.sValidationMode, D42.iDelayed, D42.tsContact, D42.tsValidity, D42.tsWebValidity, D42.iWebResPu
07/25/2024 9:51:32 PM t, D42.iToDeliver + D42.iImportReject + D42.iReject, Percent(D42.iReject , (D42.iToDeliver + D42.iImportReject + D42.iReject)), D42.iHtml, D42.iText, D42.iMultipart, Percent(D42.iHtml , D42.iToDeliver), Percent(D42.iText , D42.iToDeliver), Percent(D42.iM
07/25/2024 9:51:32 PM FolderId, D42.iFolderProcessId, D42.iCreatedById, D42.iModifiedById, D42.tsCreated, D42.tsLastModified, D42.iFCPOrSeedCount, D42.iMidRemoteId, D42.tsScenarioModTime, D42.iToDeliver, D42.iImportReject, D42.iSeedProcessed, D42.iReject, D42.iPropositionCoun
07/25/2024 9:51:32 PM WDB-200001 SQL statement 'SELECT D42.iDeliveryId, D42.sLabel, D42.sDesc, D42.sInternalName, D42.tsStart, D42.tsEnd, D42.iStatus, D42.sJobType, D42.sXtkschema, D42.iBuiltIn, D42.iIsModel, SecondsDiff(Coalesce(D42.tsEnd , GetDate()) , D42.tsStart), D42.i

And this is the last "good" part of the logs:

07/25/2024 9:51:32 PM XSV-350171 Spawning job as an external process ('/usr/local/neolane/nl6/bin/nlserver prepareda -outOfProcess:95532475 -instance:xxxx_prod3 -login:alvaroxxx@xxx.xxx -methodName:PrioritizeTarget -low -detach')...
07/25/2024 9:51:31 PM XSV-350171 Spawning job as an external process ('/usr/local/neolane/nl6/bin/nlserver prepareda -outOfProcess:95532472 -instance:xxxx_prod3 -login:alvaroxxx@xxx.xxx -methodName:PrioritizeTarget -low -detach')...


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1 Accepted Solution


Correct answer by
Level 6

It turned out that if you delete a recurring delivery from your workflow, while still having child deliveries in progress or retry pending, a error occures, making all campaign stop. 

Just be sure to stop every delivery that is not going to be use any longer, that was generated by the parent delivery (recurring delivery). 

View solution in original post

2 Replies


Employee Advisor

Hi ogonzalesdiaz,


Have you checked out the Audit Trail function in Campaign? Given that you have a delivery ID, a time range when this started, and a user, this should be able to guide you to the action performed and on what delivery.


Audit documentation:






Correct answer by
Level 6

It turned out that if you delete a recurring delivery from your workflow, while still having child deliveries in progress or retry pending, a error occures, making all campaign stop. 

Just be sure to stop every delivery that is not going to be use any longer, that was generated by the parent delivery (recurring delivery).