I am trying to use split activity to limit each of the data group to 2 rows.
I am getting the following error
XTK-170036 Unable to parse expression ' AND [temp:extract-grp:@internalRank]<=2'.
XTK-170037 'AND' is a binary operator. At least one operand is missing.
Executing extraction 'Subset' (step 'Split')
I have three fields in my table - Delivery, URL, Counts
I would like to get the top 2 rows in the group of each Delivery, URL
For example:
Delivery URL count
D1 abc 5
D1 abc1 3
D1 ABC3 2
D2 pqr 7
D2 pqr1 6
D3 pqr2 5
Expected output:
Delivery URL count
D1 abc 5
D1 abc1 3
D2 pqr 7
D2 pqr1 6
I am using the following documentation to perform the limit.
Can you please suggest what could have caused this issue.
Thanks a lot
Solved! Go to Solution.
Thanks Naveen for sharing it.
I have tried the same approach and it worked for me. The only difference is ,I have selected : limitations by group value (2) .
Hi Naveen,
Can you please help with the condition you have used in the split activity.
Meanwhile, you can try below approach :
Limit the selected records -> Keep only the first records -> Sort on the basis of "count" column from your table -> limit by grouping -> use the columns to group from your table -> limitations by grouping value (Enter 2)
Please ensure to add the additional columns in your initial query activity which you will be using in the split for sorting or grouping.
Let me know if this helps.
Thanks ,
Hi Anita,
Thanks for the response.
I have followed your notes and getting the same error.
XTK-170036 Unable to parse expression ' AND [temp:extract-grp:@internalRank]<=2'.
XTK-170037 'AND' is a binary operator. At least one operand is missing.
Executing extraction 'Subset' (step 'Split')
My method is given below which is giving me the same error.
Limit the selected records -> Keep only the first records -> Sort on the basis of All three columns (Delivery, URL, Counts) -> limit by grouping -> use the columns to group from your table (Delivery, URL) -> limitations by grouping value (Enter 2)
Thanks a lot
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Hi Naveen,
You can do this in the first query block using window function.
You have to create an additional attribute as RowNum(PartitionBy(Delivery), OrderBy(Desc(count)))
Then you can create a filter in refine target as line Number <= 2
Hi Naveen,
Thanks for checking.
But it would be great if you can share the screenshot of split activity as just the error text is not really helping to understand the issue.
Also, if you want the top 2 records , I believe sorting on just the counts can help you get the required output.
Hi Anita,
I am pasting the screenshots of split activity below.
Hi Saikat,
Thanks for the suggestion. It worked for me.
However, I still would love to know how to do it using split activity.
Thanks Naveen for sharing it.
I have tried the same approach and it worked for me. The only difference is ,I have selected : limitations by group value (2) .
Hi Anita,
Can you please share a screenshot of the 'limitations by group value (2)' screen.
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Hi Naveen,
Here you go: