Hi there,
I have a generic question regarding GA integration with Adobe Campaign. Any help would be much appreciate it.
- How can I integrate GA data to feedback back to Adobe Campaign? Would this be done by the Adobe Genesis connector (Web Analytcis) External Account?
Solved! Go to Solution.
Hello ,
Yes you can integrate with Google analytics via the genesys connector and then configure the utm tags in GA to pickup the data from enriched URLs.
Please find attached the document you can follow for the same .
Creating a new Web Analytics Account
Go to Administration > Platform
On the right hand side of the screen click 'new' as shown below
Select the Type to 'Web Analytics'
Select Partner to 'Other'
Then enter the Label
Then click Save
Setting up the Web Analytics Account
Go to Administration > Platform> External Account, click on Web Analytics as you can see below
Click Edit on the General Tab as you can see below
Then you will be asked to enter the domain(s) you will like to set up the tracking against, once you have entered, click Next.
Once you click Next, you will be presented with the Formula, now click the option to overload the function as shown below
In the same screen as above, you will see a text area below with the tracking code. This is place where you overload the script
with your Google tracking code.
As you can see in the above screen shot, the following code has been added:
&utm_source=NEOLANE&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=<%= message.delivery.internalName %>
Note: message.delivery.internalName will get the internal name of the delivery and that will you're the value of utm_campaign
Setting up Web Analytics option on the delivery :
Now go to the delivery where you wish to set the tracking on.
Inside the delivery, click Properties and then go to Web analytics connector. From here you can choose the web analytic account
you would like to use for your delivery.
Hello ,
Yes you can integrate with Google analytics via the genesys connector and then configure the utm tags in GA to pickup the data from enriched URLs.
Please find attached the document you can follow for the same .
Creating a new Web Analytics Account
Go to Administration > Platform
On the right hand side of the screen click 'new' as shown below
Select the Type to 'Web Analytics'
Select Partner to 'Other'
Then enter the Label
Then click Save
Setting up the Web Analytics Account
Go to Administration > Platform> External Account, click on Web Analytics as you can see below
Click Edit on the General Tab as you can see below
Then you will be asked to enter the domain(s) you will like to set up the tracking against, once you have entered, click Next.
Once you click Next, you will be presented with the Formula, now click the option to overload the function as shown below
In the same screen as above, you will see a text area below with the tracking code. This is place where you overload the script
with your Google tracking code.
As you can see in the above screen shot, the following code has been added:
&utm_source=NEOLANE&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=<%= message.delivery.internalName %>
Note: message.delivery.internalName will get the internal name of the delivery and that will you're the value of utm_campaign
Setting up Web Analytics option on the delivery :
Now go to the delivery where you wish to set the tracking on.
Inside the delivery, click Properties and then go to Web analytics connector. From here you can choose the web analytic account
you would like to use for your delivery.
Thanks Adhiyan.
Just to clarify, if I follow all these steps it will meana that I don't need to add the tracking URLs on the delivery template as they would be automatically generated once the email is sent. Am I right?
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Hi ,
That's right , you just need to enrich the tracking formula and select that external account in deliveries and the URLs would be automatically taking the utm tags
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Hi Adhiya,
Thanks for the above note. This is really helpful.
For our implementation, we need to pass the URL label as one of the parameters to identify a label for the link that was clicked upon.
We see the URL label in adobe schema structure here: delivery>content>html>urlConfig>url>label
Do you have an idea how do we reference this field in while "Enriching the formula"
Appreciate your help!
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Calling on the other experts if they can help out here:
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Hello Abhijit,
You can probably try referencing this field like this in the link enrichment :
message.trackingLog.url.label to get the URL label as present on the delivery.
Let me know if this works.
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Hi Adhiyan
Thanks for taking the time off to look into this.
I tired your suggestion but the delivery is erroring out.
Getting the below error:
I have tried some other approaches as well like:
1) message.delivery.content.html.urlConfig.url.label
2) url.label
But they give the similar error.
Also, my thought was that since message:url is a 1:M relationship, we would need to start referencing it at the url level and not the message level. We need to capture the url label of each url inside the message.
Is there any way we can declare the url (table) as a variable so we can reference its fields like label.
Let me know your thoughts
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Hi Abhijit,
you can use below script to get your labels in a given delivery.
var linkList = delivery.content.html.source.match(new RegExp('<a(.*)>', "g"));
for(var link in linkList){
var linkLabel = "" ;
if(link.match(new RegExp('_label="[^"]+"', "g"))){
linkLabel = link.match(new RegExp('_label="[^"]+"', "g")).toString();
I would recommend you should write a typology rule of type control type and use that to modify the logic to enable unique links for deliveries.
function checkUrlLabel(urlList, strContent)
for( var i=0 ; i<urlList.length ; i++ )
if( urlList[i].trackingType != 1 && urlList[i].trackingType != 3
&& urlList[i].label.length == 0 ){
logWarning("Missing the lable for "+urlList[i].source + "in"+strContent+"Email delivery");
} else {
//add yur logic here to mauplate your url lables, i wpuld recomend use deilverCode+ "_" +
//urlexceptthebasedomain i.e http://test.com/home will become testDelivery_Home
return true;
function typologyRule()
if( !delivery.tracking.enabled )
return true; // nothing to do if tracking is disabled
var bSucessText = checkUrlLabel(delivery.content.text.urlConfig.url, "Text Content"));
var bSucessHtml = checkUrlLabel(delivery.content.html.urlConfig.url, "HTML Content");
if ( bSucessText && bSucessHtml )
return true;
return false;
return typologyRule();
Hi Amit_Kumar
Thanks for sharing the above input.
I am however not sure, how this would help. I could be wrong about this, would you be able explain with an example?
To summarize what we are looking for is a way to reference the "Label" field of the "trackingUrl" table while enriching paramaters for each URL in the content.
The code for enrichment is added in the "External Account" configuration.
See the step 4 of "Changing the tracking formula" here - Web Analytics connectors
Thanks again for looking into this.
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Could you please help me in configuring the UTM tags in GA .
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Hi Abhijit,
The idea is quite simple actually, it will be a two-step process.
1. add click tracking formula and use a placeholder value for label like below
&utm_source=NEOLANE&utm_medium=email&urllabel=--label--&utm_campaign=<%= message.delivery.internalName %>
2. Got to the typology rules and select the above code as control typology.
in the else condition replace '--label--' by the URL label value using urlList[i].label
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Does message.delivery.internalName gives "transaction email type" such as "event" or "profile" ?
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