Hello, I'm getting the below error. Please help
WDB-200001 SQL statement 'SELECT R0.sLastName, R0.sFirstName, R0.sEmail, R0.sSalutation, R0.sMiddleName, R0.sAccount, R0.iStatus, R0.sCompany, R0.iGender, R0.sLanguage, R0.tsBirth, R0.iBlackList, R0.iFolderId, R0.iEmailFormat, R0.sMobilePhone, R0.sFax, R0.sPhone, R0.sOrigin, R0.iCustomerId, R0.sAddress1, R0.sAddress2, R0.sAddress3, R0.sAddress4, R0.sZipCode, R0.sCity, R0.sCountryCode, R0.sStateCode, AllNonNull3(R0.sZipCode , R0.sCity , R0.sLastName), R0.iAddrErrorCount, R0.iAddrQuality, R0.tsAddrLastCheck, R0.sText1, R0.sText2, R0.sText3, R0.sText4, R0.sText5, R0.iBoolean1, R0.iBoolean2, R0.iBoolean3, R0.iRecipientId, R0.iHouseholdId, F1.sLabel, F1.iFolderId, F1.sFullName, H2.iHouseholdId, H2.iMembershipId, H2.sMailingName, H2.sMailingNameCompliment, H2.**bleep**traLine, H2.sHomePhone, H2.sBusinessPhone, H2.sCellPhone, H2.sAddressLine, H2.sApartment, H2.sCity, H2.sState, H2.sZipCode, H2.sCountry, case when E'eng' = E'fra' then C3.sLabelFR else case when E'eng' = E'deu' then C3.sLabelDE else case when E'eng' = E'jpn' then C3.sLabelJA else C3.sLabelEN end end end, C3.sIsoA2, COALESCE(case when E'eng' = E'jpn' then NULL else COALESCE(S4.sCode, '') || E' - ' end, '') || COALESCE(case when E'eng' = E'fra' then S4.sLabelFR else case when E'eng' = E'deu' then S4.sLabelDE else case when E'eng' = E'jpn' then S4.sLabelJA else S4.sLabelEN end end end, ''), S4.sCode, S4.sCountryCode, case when E'eng' = E'fra' then C5.sLabelFR else case when E'eng' = E'deu' then C5.sLabelDE else case when E'eng' = E'jpn' then C5.sLabelJA else C5.sLabelEN end end end, case when E'eng' = E'fra' then C5.sLabelFR else case when E'eng' = E'deu' then C5.sLabelDE else case when E'eng' = E'jpn' then C5.sLabelJA else C5.sLabelEN end end end, C5.sIsoA2, R0.mData FROM NmsRecipient R0 INNER JOIN XtkFolder xf ON (R0.iFolderId=xf.iFolderId AND xf.iFolderId=6462) JOIN XtkFolder F1 ON (F1.iFolderId = R0.iFolderId) JOIN AdnHousehold H2 ON (H2.iHouseholdId = R0.iHouseholdId) LEFT JOIN NmsCountry C3 ON (C3.sIsoA2 = R0.sCountryCode) LEFT JOIN NmsState S4 ON (S4.sCode = R0.sStateCode AND S4.sCountryCode = R0.sCountryCode) LEFT JOIN NmsCountry C5 ON (C5.sIsoA2 = S4.sCountryCode) WHERE (R0.iRecipientId = :#(1)#)' could not be executed.
WDB-200011 The requested database record does not exist.
Unable to load document of type 'Recipients (nms:recipient)' because link 'household' with condition '@householdId = 0' not found in the database.
Error while loading the detail.
Either a data does not exist, or you do not have access to the data.
Solved! Go to Solution.
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Hi @Sanjana12 ,
You are receiving below error:
Unable to load document of type 'Recipients (nms:recipient)' because link 'household' with condition '@householdId = 0' not found in the database.
This error occurs whenever there's no Recipient record associated with Household Schema.
Ex: Recipient 'xyz' does not hold any household.
Add a value zero record in Household schema( Household Id =0), so that all non existent Household records will map to zero value.
Hello @Sanjana12
There is a link between recipients and the household schema. You are missing the householdId in the recipient schema.
Add householdId id in recipient schema and it should work.
Edit the factory schema or extend from it?
I can see household id here. I'm new so don't know a lot about this
<element desc="Recipients associated with Household" label="Households" name="household"
revLink="recipient" target="adn:household" type="link">
<join xpath-dst="@householdId" xpath-src="@householdId"/>
@Sanjana12 Apologies I was not clear.
Please add the value of the household id to the recipient records.
No need to change anything in the schema.
Hi @Sanjana12 ,
You are receiving below error:
Unable to load document of type 'Recipients (nms:recipient)' because link 'household' with condition '@householdId = 0' not found in the database.
This error occurs whenever there's no Recipient record associated with Household Schema.
Ex: Recipient 'xyz' does not hold any household.
Add a value zero record in Household schema( Household Id =0), so that all non existent Household records will map to zero value.
by extending the houshold schema right? Because we cannot edit the factory schema
Hi @Sanjana12
You do not need to extend the schema. You need to insert a zero record in household schema.