Hi team, 1) Anyone help me What is the use of Advanced JS activity in Adobe Campaign Classic?2) What is the use of First call and next calls?3) what is task.setCompleted();4) what is return 0 in both calls? please any one help me any share use case for clarify this question?@ParthaSarathy
Hi all,please help to explain diference betweenFile Transfer and File collector @Manoj_Kumar_ @Craig_Thonis @ParthaSarathy@AkshayAnand @Craig_Thonis @Manoj_Kumar_ @Amine_Abedour @Marcel_Szimonisz@DavidKangni @Dhanesh_S
Hi team,I have to check if the option value is 0 my email template prints "Hi" and if the option value is 1 it prints "Bye". this scenario I want to be achieve in an email template not using a Personalization block.My code below:<%var A = "<%@ include option='test' %>if (A == '0'){<p><b><span style=...
Hi all, we have a custom schema called as product schema and we have existing input form for this: product input form and now we have added 2 new fields into this product schema at schema level now i want these 2 fields to be added to same exisitng product input fomplease help me , how can i do this...
Hi everyone, Is there a way that I can give read only access to 3 operators, I tried creating an operator group but I believe that itself will not work. I knew from folder level, properties we can add operators in security level, but I also have another operator admin added there. So, I cannot rem...
Hi everyone, I want to replace the userEnum in my data schema by the reference table. The reference table content all values.Here'is my the reference table <element desc="Reference table" hybrid="false" label="Reference table" labelSingular="Reference table" name="referenceTable"> <k...
Http API Call Delete with body is stripping body before it reaching the endpoint. Is there a way to send the request. I have seen option to use fetch library but please advise if there is any native support in javascript
We have the data in the below-shown format:Product 1Count 1Product 2Count 2A2D1B3E2C1F1like we have headers for Product 1 and Count 1 in a transition and Product 2 and Count 2 in another transition and we need results in the below shown format.Product ComboCountADSum of Count A and Count DAESum of C...