@ParthaSarathy@ParthaSarathy @ParthaS @AkshayAnand @Craig_Thonis @Manoj_Kumar_ @Amine_Abedour @Marcel_Szimonisz@DavidKangni @Amit_Kumar @ShashankNigam02@Ganesh5067@Jonathon_wodnicki1.what will happen if dont define autopk=true on main element of data schema in ACC 2.what will happen if i define aut...
@ParthaSarathy@ParthaSarathy @ParthaS @AkshayAnand @Craig_Thonis @Manoj_Kumar_ @Amine_Abedour @Marcel_Szimonisz@DavidKangni @Amit_Kumar @ShashankNigam02@Ganesh5067@Jonathon_wodnicki what is delivery mapping in acc
Hi All, I have one ques: How to restrict data if multiple countries are available in ACCwhen i read the documentation i found:with help of <sysfilters>read and write acess praamers we can do thatthen its also mentioned in documentation,we have to use, acessible if and visisble if i just want to unde...
Hi Team,I have created a web application that redirects to anyone of the 4 landing pages based on certain criteria (OfferAcceptedPage, OfferExpiryPage, OfferDeclinePage, ErrorPage). There are 3 parameters (ParamKey1, ParamKey2, ParamLanguage) passed in the URL. I have also created 5 variables to hol...
Hi Team, I am trying to print the values for all the variables in a web application. However, I do not see the logInfo("sample_text") printed in the Audit tab or in the debug mode of Preview tab.Can anyone please help me understand where I could find these logs? Kind Regards,Anushka
Would it be possible to create a Workflow that would query all workflows that have the option: Keep Interim Results, and deactivated?If so, how? What table to target?
Hi Guys, I have created a field element called memo description using the type memo to hold large amount of value, while calling the filed using targetdata . memodescription inside the delivery to print the value stored in memo description, the value is not populating. But i tried calling someother ...
Hi, I need to create an email template where I have to be able to show the last product the user has bought and indicate the subcategory to which it belongs. Can someone explain me the steps to make it possible? I dont find the way to insert the LAST product bought, maybe doing something with the cr...
Hi All,I have issue/confusion with file transfer activity in my wkf i have file trasnfer actiivty then dataloading actiity then son on my workflow is running every 30mins and in every 30min I'm receiving file,BUT My ask is if my wkf run for 1st time-it will take file 1,file2,file3now when workflow r...