Hi Adobe team,I was exploring recurring delivery in Adobe campaign classic and had a doubt. In the tracking and images ribbon , images tab - some of the detected images already have the status "online," while others are "not yet online." 1. Does "not yet online" make any difference after executing t...
My audience from Campaign V8 is not visible in V8. It might be because this audience is empty? This is only for demo purposes.... Are there any other constrains which are not in the documentation?
What do you think about this expression syntax?<%<% if (<recipient.age >= 40) {%>Good morning <%recipient.firstName! %> <%}else if (<FIELD>==<VALUE>) {%>Hi <%recipient.firstName %> <% }%>
Hi Adobe Team, Kindly help me understand the following terms in recurring delivery in Adobe campaign classic.I referred Adobe documentation but not able to understand. In the Tracking & Images ribbon, the following options are available in the dropdown: Tracking1. Activate tracking2. Opens tracking ...
Hello, i'm having problems trying to debug the AndroidPushConnectorV2 javascript code. I've seen it has some logVerbose, but I'm not sure where to read them
Hello, i created a FDA table, but when I try to query it in a workflow it's giving me this error: 06-02-2025 9:40:49 ODB-240000 ODBC error: [Teradata][ODBC Teradata Driver][Teradata Database](-5495)Stored Procedure 'SIC_ACM_DESA.DropTableIfExists' does not exist. SQLState: S1000 I've seen that in ...
Within an email tracking we only see email clicks and opens Tracking: We don't receive optouts, web, transact, etc. How do I include these types within the mail tracking?
We have created a project in Adobe Admin console and want to run below instance command. We are having on-premise instance.Command: nlserver config -instance:<instance_name> -setimsoauth:ims-org-id/client-id/technical-account-id/client-secret.But before executing above command, we would like to unde...