Summary: I cannot get my worktable data to get saved to the delivery log (broadLog). I'm using a custom target mapping that uses the [targetData/@fieldName] convention.Detailed Explanation and stepsI have extended the delivery logs schema, nms:broadLogRcp, to include three additional fields that we ...
Hi Everyone ,I want to link create one input form in adobe campaign classic having multiple schema association. Can anybody help me with this issue with on exmaple.
Hi - I have a query related to database cleanup workflow, which is OOTB workflow with Adobe Campaign v6/v7. I understand it executes below command via nlserver module.cleanup -instance:<%= instanceName %>1) How is this instanceName defined - is it via the configuration xmls ?2) How can we get the in...
The Enrichment activity allows four links:In the fourth option (a link):Link definition: Allows the selection of the type of link and the target of the link. Link type includes:Define a collection (1-N relationship)Define a link whose target is always available (1-1 relationship). The join condition...
Hi All,Below is the code of 1:N relationship between 2 tables <element label="Dealers" name="dealer" revLink="vehicleLink" target="all:dealer" type="link"> <join xpath-dst="@vin" xpath-src="@dealerId"/> </element> 1.In the above code @vin,@dealerId are not any key they are just attributes fr...
How do I put a link for a Web Application into a hyperlink in an Email Delivery?Or, the question could also be, where do I get the URL related to a Web Application so that I can insert this into an Email Delivery?ThanksTom
Hi,I'm new to Campaign. I am creating a web application that will display the marketing history for a given contact. One of the requirements is that the mirror/preview page url for each email delivery is displayed. After some searching in these forums, I found this thread.Getting a specific Mirror p...
Hello, I am trying to count of Number of Customer Contact Rule ID's per Contact Rule grouped by Name and Value from with a temporary table which i have createdwith the workflow.The number of Customer Contact Rule ID's per Contact Rule within the temp table have already under gone some deduplication ...