Hi,I've been trying to copy a file from outbound of FTP and copy to 'Public File Resources' in Adobe Campaign Classic. And I was able to copy the file using the following command.var serverFileResourceLocation = "/usr/local/neolane/nl6/var/<instance_name>/<file_name.extension>"; if (!file.copyTo(s...
Hi Team,we have a custom offer environment and we want to generate propositions.I wanted to know if any one has gone down this path, at the moment it is not working for us .Campaign is unable to establish a join between proposition.Below is the error message :No joining condition is defined for the ...
Where do I find the Adobe Campaign Client updates ?We have some people on an old v6.1.1 so I'd like to update them to a later version, but can't find it anywhere.RegardsJeremy
Hi!Is there any way to check from a JSSP page (inside AC) if a specific WF is actually running?I can't use @state because it's always in "started"Thanks a lot.Maurizio
We frequently get this error in the delivery log. This error is blocking the delivery.In the error here below I have substituted the real image link (that is correct) with IMAGE_LINK for privacy reason.If I copy and paste the same html into another delivery everything works fine !Do you have some su...
Hi guys,We have a big client where we will use two different trackings servers (for URL & availability/redundancy issues).My question is, can I use two different tracking servers for the same marketing instance?As I know we can only set up one tracking server per marketing instance? not?Should I cre...
HiHas anyone done, or know how to/if possible in ACC, to receive a document as base64 encoded text(in a textfile) and then get thisin as a attachment in an email.I can see other tools being able todo this but not figuered out how or if it is even doable
Hi all,Is there a report or a way to get numbers on Opens by Domain?We want to see a report of all Opens of all deliveries of all time or by date, shown by Domain. This is to understand what domains are opening the most of our emails.Thank you!Regards,Raúl
Hi All,I have created a 1:n link between two tables recipient and contract. When we do a query choosing recipient as targeting dimension and contract as filtering dimension it gives me 0 results but data corresponding to recipient id are present in contract table.Below is the code which I have adde...
Hi All,Can you please explain the different type of links between schemas that could be established with an example? Am finding it difficult to understand the difference between 1:1 link between Recipient to FOLDER schema and 1:1 link between Recipient to COUNTRY schema. Can you also explain what ex...