Hi Team, We have a custom whatsApp channel created as a separate messageType(whatsApp) in nms:delivery extension schema, we have also created the external account with the new messageType(whatsApp) and configured the JS connector as well. we are not sure how to map mobilePhone filed form nms:recipen...
Hi there! I am trying to create conditional content based on the segment code i have created in my workflow: But when i try to send the delivery, this error happens:JST-310000 Error while compiling script 'content htmlContent' line 4: invalid XML name (line=' if ( <targetData.segmentCode> == <"info...
Hi all!I am attempting to make my enrichment activity fetch N amount of rows and only return the amount that equals to the amount of rows in the table I am looking into. I am dynamically fetching data from a database table, that is continously updated. That means that the amount of rows can differ a...
I want to customize the autopk in our schema and start counting from p_1 like p_1,p_2,p_3,p_4,p_5.... so on and my Adobe Campaign Classic is v8.If there is any way to do this, please let me know.
Hi, I am looking to create a sequential AutoPK for a specific data schema in campaign v8. Additionally, I would like to add the prefix 'P' to the AutoPK. Is there a method to generate the AutoPK in sequence with constant prefix? Best regards,Ankita
We're trying yo integrate Adobe Campaign Classic intro mobile application following this documentation: https://github.com/Adobe-Marketing-Cloud/aep-sdks-documentation/blob/master/using-mobile-extensions/adobe-campaignclassic/README.md But we're constantly getting "HandleDeviceRegistration - Cannot ...
Hi All, I have a variable say "xyz" in javascript code in workflow and want to output colour to the variable text that starts with a bullet point. <style> tag soes not work in JS, How can I include colour to only the bullet point. example code is given below: var xyz= "<style="font-size: 14px; color...