Hi All,
Hope you all are doing great !
As per client's request we need to insert the data to ACM schema through API but facing an issue
For above request we have successfully generated Session token using Logon method but getting an "403 forbidden" error with "XTK-170019 Access denied." or "null" in response while data insertion using Write method.
Below steps has been followed :
1. Created Operator in ACM and provided administrator rights to it and used the same while session generation.
2. Used "https://<instancename>/nl/jsp/schemawsdl.jsp?schema=xtk:session" URL to generate WSDL file and store it n ".wsdl" format.
3. Run "https:/<instancename>/nl/jsp/soaprouter.jsp" URL in postman to generate session token with below headers.
Content-Type: application/xml
SOAPAction: xtk:session#Logon
4. Post token genration , used that token in below code to insert data in respective schema using below headers.
Content-Type: application/xml
SOAPAction: xtk:persist#Write
We imported the WSDL file on SOAPUI tool as well to write data into schema but received the same error as mentioned earlier.
Application Server : 9282
Console : v7 9349
Kindly help us to understand the cause of the issue to resolve it.
Thanks & Regards,
Neelam B.