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What is the best way to get your first party data into Audience Manager?


Level 1

Hey guys,

So we are about to do an integration from our first party data source. This is currently a database and we are looking at the options to get a daily integration happening with Audience Manager.


My question is: What is the best way to get your first party data into Audience Manager?


I am looking at data sources within the UI. We would prefer to use an API to write in the information. But within the data source options it only lists the three below.


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It also gives me no options to set up a API credentials. So I guess I’m probably looking in the wrong place. Can somebody please point me in the right direction of where to start with an API based data integration for Audience Manager?

1 Reply


Employee Advisor

Hello @C_Evans ,


I understand that you are looking for ways to get your 1P data into AAM.

You can accomplish this via two ways:

1. Real-Time

2. Batch ingestion


Real-time ingestion will be specific to either online activities done by the users/devices or this can be direct DCS API calls.

Batch ingestion on the other hand is an offline method where you need to place precisely formatted files into AAM server for processing.


There is not right or wrong way, it completely depends upon the use-case you are trying to achieve here.


If you have your 1P data available in your CRM or in some backend then opting batch ingestion is the option.

If you are trying to collect the online behavior or want to ingestion data in real-time then APIs or DIL implementation is another way.


I am adding few documents for more details around these two data ingestion techniques.


Batch Ingestion


I hope this helps!