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What is the best strategy to exclude CCPA opt-out audience from Segmented Communication - Social Media


Level 4

We have recently implemented CCPA form in website for customers who choose to opt-out from communication. Now we are receiving few customer Ids from CRM which is flagged out for social media communication. So need a solution to remove such customer ids from segments or social media communication. What is the best solution for this use case.


  • Remove customer ids from each segments using logical conditions
  • Disallow customer ids directly from destination (Need solution how to do that)
  • Delete customer ids using AAM CCPA request
  • Create isolated trait using override method to unsegment customers from all qualified segments.

Any best solution would be welcomed and appreciated.






1 Antwort





Any of the options you outlined are feasible solutions, each with its own pros & cons. Utilizing logical conditions via an isolated trait would remove all users qualified into that trait, but you would still technically be collecting data for those users. Depending on their level of opt out, this may or may not be a viable solution.

Disallowing customer IDs from specific destinations would be wrapped up in the privacy opt out process, as we send lists of opted out users to each of our destination partners who are then responsible for de-segmenting those particular users. With this in mind, the partner level opt out via declared ID would be our advised solution to opt out specific customer IDs from segmentation: https://experienceleague.adobe.com/docs/audience-manager/user-guide/overview/data-privacy/data-priva...



Curtis Oliver  |  Technical Support Engineer  |  Adobe   |  curtiso@adobe.com