Hi everyone,
Do you have any idea why an old report suites still have hits even if we are using a new report suite? And how can I discontinue the sending of this data?
Thank you.
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well typically, because there may be a Launch instance still sending information to it.
Are you capturing the URL or any other dimension that could give you a hint where it is coming from?
Depending on the stage (dev/staging/prod), may there is still one part of the website that integrates an old Launch library that still has this RSID set?
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How much traffic are you talking about?
It could be coming from an old instance (as mentioned by @bjoern__koth ), it might be coming from people viewing an old cached version of your pages... Depending on how old the old suite is, could it be coming from old pages that were coded pre-Launch?
I still have "trickle" data coming into suites that haven't been actively used in more than 10 years.... in some cases those sites no longer even exist... but since there are some cached versions of them, or random "people saved the page to their hard drive" scenarios, it's not something I can fully get rid of....
If the traffic is low, I would just say ignore it, and eventually hide the suite in the company settings... if it's high traffic, you may have to dig into what pages are still configured incorrectly.
One more thing to check will be if there are API configurations/integrations that might be sending these hits via DIA. I have seen such cases in past.
As Jenny mentioned from end users it's unavoidable, and you may ignore. But if those calls costing you, besides DIA & data source methods, I'd also check #1 those hostname and put in exclusion rules as might be possible if someone copy/pasted the AA/TMS reference from your HTML unknowingly, and #2 VISTA rules in case feeding the old suite. Thanks
Though, there is one good thing about tracking from hosts that aren't yours.... if someone did "clone" your site, tracking and all, it can be a good way to catch people stealing your content or creating malicious / phishing versions of your sites (we've caught a few sites like that and contacted the hosting service to shut them down).
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