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What sets which element in WebSDK custom link javascript code


Level 4


In this example given in the https://experienceleague.adobe.com/docs/analytics/implementation/vars/functions/tl-method.html?lang=... documentation, what does the "URL" correspond to?  The url that the exit link is going to?  Or the url that the link is clicked from?  


alloy("sendEvent", {
  "xdm": {
    "web": {
      "webInteraction": {
        "name": "My Custom Link",
        "URL": "https://example.com",
        "type": "other"


3 Replies



Hi Valerie, 

This will be the destination URL of the link, where the link takes you by clicking on it. 

More info here: https://experienceleague.adobe.com/docs/experience-platform/edge/data-collection/track-links.html?la...




Level 4

Thanks!  In workspace, which data element do you pull in to see that value?  So if my custom link name is "My Example" what do I break it down by to see the destination url.


Community Advisor and Adobe Champion

In CJA you might be able to see that natively, but in standard Adobe Analytics, you get the "Custom Link" (name) for "other" links, and the "Exit Link" (destination URL) for "exit" links... not sure why that is...


The information is available in the raw data, but not in workspace... in theory you could map the destination URL to a custom eVar, so that you can access the destination URL.