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What's the differnce between this calculated metric and 'metrics/visits'?


Level 1

I've been working with a client trying to ingest their Analytics data using the 'Data Warehouse' feature, but was seeing some discrepancies.


Under the 'workspace' tab, the client created a report. I noticed that when they use the 'visits' metric, they are using a calculated metric (ID: cm300005330_5d9cb1dd961e9c361a903f2a) instead of 'metrics/visits.'


Here is the cm definition I receive from the API:

	"rsid": <removed>,
	"reportSuiteName": <removed>,
	"id": "cm300005330_5d9cb1dd961e9c361a903f2a",
	"name": "Visits",
	"description": "",
	"polarity": "positive",
	"precision": 0,
	"type": "decimal",
	"definition": {
		"formula": {
			"func": "metric",
			"name": "metrics/visits",
			"description": "Visits"
		"func": "calc-metric",
		"version": [
	"compatibility": {
		"identityMetrics": [{
			"identity": "metrics/visits"
		"validator_version": "1.0.0",
		"supported_products": [
		"supported_schema": [
	"categories": [
		"Calculated Metrics"
	"tags": []


So when I compare the report the client built in the UI with the data I exported with Data Warehouse, the 'visits' don't match up, but the 'page_views' metric does match.


The UI report uses these: calculated metric 'cm300005330_5d9cb1dd961e9c361a903f2a,'  and 'metrics/pageviews'


Whereas the Data Warehouse export I built uses 'metrics/visits' and 'metrics/pageviews'.


I'm looking at the calculated metric and it looks like it's just a wrapper around the 'metrics/visits' metric. it's not adding or removing anything. Am I missing something? Lemme know if you need any more info. Thanks.


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1 Accepted Solution


Correct answer by
Level 7

@samlehman2  Can you try using "Visits-All Visits" metric in Data Warehouse ? Let us know if it matches the visits of Workspace project report. Refer the below links :-


View solution in original post

2 Replies


Correct answer by
Level 7

@samlehman2  Can you try using "Visits-All Visits" metric in Data Warehouse ? Let us know if it matches the visits of Workspace project report. Refer the below links :-



Level 1

Opps, I didn't mean to mark this as the solution...


I attempted using the 'all visits' field (I also added the unique visits field as well) and the totals still are way larger than what the calculated metric is showing.