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Want to stitch ECID from website to Mobile Web Browser


Level 1



Use Case - Want to stitch ECID from Website to Mobile Web Browser. User scans the QR code shown on the website and lands on to the mobile web browser.

Both the platforms are enabled with Adobe Analytics(Web SDK Implementation) and are on same domain as well.

I have used appendIdentityToUrl command for stitching. 

alloy("appendIdentityToUrl",{url: location.href});


This approach is working but there is a challenge in appending ecid to querystring, the URL will be long and it affects the QR image quality and reading capability.


Can there be any other solution for this problem?



2 Replies



Hi @Parth_Gupta you can use the FPID features of Edge Network (more details here in the documentation).


In few words, usually ECID is auto-generated by the Adobe servers. If you pass another ID, created by you, (will call id YOID) in the WebSDK HTTP call, the Edge Network capture it and generate an ECID starting from the YOID. The advantage is that if you pass the same YOID, the ECID returned will always be the same.

So the idea is:

  • on the website generate YOID (shorter that the ECID to improve the QR Code quality)
  • use it in the website to generate the ECID 
  • append YOID to the URL that will generate the QR code
  • in the mobile web browser capture YOID and send it with WebSDK to recreate the same ECID.


  • if you have an high number of visitors, a short YOID can lead to collision
  • you need to implement and maintain the generation of YOID.

Hope this helps.




Community Advisor

Hi @Parth_Gupta, you have an exciting use case here to stitch devices. The original idea for the ECID stitch was to launch the website from the mobile app, passing the ECID on the URL to connect visits on the same device. But your case is connecting a desktop computer showing the QR code to the mobile phone scanning the code and continuing the journey.

The FPID suggested by @aa_from_savoy should work, another approach is using API from a URL shortener to shorten the URL before generating the QR code image.