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The URL before the redirect is measured.


Level 2

Some URLs before redirection are sometimes measured, but would it be better to explain that this is a specification of Adobe Analytics? Or is there any way to improve this?

5 Replies


Community Advisor

Hi @ダビュンチバーター 

can you give more detail about your setup? Are you using Adobe Tags/Launch or do you have a direct integration of AppMeasurement on your website?


Different to Google Analytics, Adobe Analytics does not automatically track page views. So, if there is a page view fired before a redirect, this is surely triggered through your website.

Can you give more details how the redirect happens? Sounds like a JavaScript that changes the URL. 
in between, maybe your logic has already triggered a page view.

Cheers from Switzerland!

Thank you for letting me know
I am using Adobe Tags/Launch.
Redirects are done on the server side.
Let's check if it is triggered before the redirect.



Community Advisor

that is odd, since a server-side redirect should not even load Adobe Launch and hence not trigger any tracking call.

Cheers from Switzerland!


Community Advisor and Adobe Champion

I agree.. a server-side redirect should never even render the page... however, if your developers have created a redirect using JS, then the page renders then once the JS has triggered the redirection would occur...


The problem here is that your analytics on the first page will trigger (or not trigger) based on how fast the redirection occurs... 


Since you cannot tell in advance IF a redirect is going to occur, it's not like you can create a specific rule to not track the page.



About the only option I can see here is to maybe change your rule trigger... for instance, if you have it at "Library Loaded" which means it runs as soon as the JS files are loaded to your page, then try moving it to DOM Ready...


If you are already using DOM Ready, you could try using Window Loaded (but if you have a lot of third party content, like ads, that slow down or could prevent the page from "finishing", then your analytics will really be impacted).


The other option is to overhaul the entire setup, and have your developers trigger an event or something that tells you when the page is ready to be tracked (similar to how you would track an SPA site)... so they would evaluate if a redirect is needed (not trigger the event), redirect the page, then give you the correct trigger.... or if no redirect, then they would call the event to trigger tracking.



The other thing you can do (but this is a lot of coding), is to build a delay into your existing Launch rule (without changing any of your triggers), and adding a small delay (like 300 ms, or 400 ms, etc) to give you a little more buffer space... but this bugger will apply to all pages.. so again, maybe not the best solution... 

Thank you.
The problem has been resolved.

There were no problems with the redirect processing on the server side.

The issue occurred with some users who visited the site before the server redirection and left the screen open.

A session was generated and measured with the screen open.

Incidentally, I was able to find out about this issue through an MS Clarity recording.

Was there any good way to use Adobe Analytics?