Hi, I am trying to start upskilling in Adobe Analytics, I have been more familiar with Google Analytics thus far, but wanted to open up my expertise into other CRM tools. I am having trouble on how to build an effective study plan for myself, the adobe website is a bit difficult to understand how to download the software? Do I have to get approval from a company in order to access? Does anyone have any suggestions on how to start for someone with no Adobe Analytical experience? Looking to get the Business Practitioner Certification by end of the year.
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Hi @BenjaminPa1 --
Have you checked out the exam prep guide for the Adobe Analytics Professional Business Practitioner Certification? It is a great outline in terms of what you need to know for the exam, but I would also supplement it by exploring the concepts in that guide further with the corresponding content in the Learn and Documentation sections for Adobe Analytics in Experience League. The Learn section has some great courses that break down different parts of AA, and Documentation gives you more in-depth information about those specific features.
If you get stuck on a concept, I would also suggest posting that question here in the Community section. I am sure someone will be happy to help.
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Hi thanks for replying. I am wondering how to get access to the platform? I just submitted a request but won’t be able to practice on hands with the course and videos without the platform/workbench.
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I think ideally you would have access to an instance of Adobe Analytics either through an organization or client. You could request access to an Analysis Workspace sandbox here, but I am not sure how comprehensive the access would be for you to explore different features of the tool.
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First off, welcome to Adobe Analytics!
There are a lot of great resources out there, including this forum (which you've already found), and also I would encourage you to join a User Group or two (or three... or five... lol)
You can also find recordings from previous user group sessions on the AAUG YouTube Channel:
In addition to that, I wrote a guide for transitioning from GA to AA that you might find helpful:
I agree with @kayawalton, the best access would be your own, but the sandbox works for basic learning (however, you won't have the rights to set up your own dimensions or metrics, or pass your own data into it.. it's more about granting access to play with the Workspace UI)
It's too bad you missed the signups for the Mentorship program, which just launched this week... It's basically a study group for the certifications.
Hi BenjaminPa1,
Great to see you're interested in learning Adobe Analytics, here's a one-stop for your Adobe Analytics learning journey:
Community Thread: This link offers all relevant resources that includes tutorials, guides, expert insights, and community support for Adobe Analytics: Link to Adobe Analytics Resources thread.
Mentorship (Heads Up): While the application window for Adobe's annual mentorship program has closed this year, keep an eye on the Adobe Analytics Community Link to Adobe Analytics Community for future opportunities!
Learning Resources:
Practice Makes Perfect:
Hope this helps kickstart your Adobe Analytics adventure!
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